Source code for pylops.signalprocessing.ChirpRadon2D

import logging
import numpy as np

from pylops import LinearOperator
from ._ChirpRadon2D import _chirp_radon_2d

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)

[docs]class ChirpRadon2D(LinearOperator): r"""2D Chirp Radon transform Apply Radon forward (and adjoint) transform using Fast Fourier Transform and Chirp functions to a 2-dimensional array of size :math:`[n_x \times n_t]` (and :math:`[n_{x} \times n_t]`). Note that forward and adjoint are swapped compared to the time-space implementation in :class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D` and a direct `inverse` method is also available for this implementation. Parameters ---------- taxis : :obj:`np.ndarray` Time axis haxis : :obj:`np.ndarray` Spatial axis pmax : :obj:`np.ndarray` Maximum slope defined as :math:`\tan` of maximum stacking angle in :math:`x` direction :math:`p_{max} = \tan(\alpha_{x, max})`. If one operates in terms of minimum velocity :math:`c_0`, set :math:`p_{x, max}=c_0 dy/dt`. dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. Attributes ---------- shape : :obj:`tuple` Operator shape explicit : :obj:`bool` Operator contains a matrix that can be solved explicitly (``True``) or not (``False``) Notes ----- Refer to [1]_ for the theoretical and implementation details. .. [1] Andersson, F and Robertsson J. "Fast :math:`\tau-p` transforms by chirp modulation", Geophysics, vol 84, NO.1, pp. A13-A17, 2019. """ def __init__(self, taxis, haxis, pmax, dtype='float64'): self.dt = taxis[1] - taxis[0] self.dh = haxis[1] - haxis[0] self.nt, self.nh = taxis.size, haxis.size self.pmax = pmax self.shape = (self.nt * self.nh, self.nt * self.nh) self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.explicit = False def _matvec(self, x): x = x.reshape(self.nh, self.nt) y = _chirp_radon_2d(x, self.dt, self.dh, self.pmax, mode='f') return y.ravel() def _rmatvec(self, x): x = x.reshape(self.nh, self.nt) y = _chirp_radon_2d(x, self.dt, self.dh, self.pmax, mode='a') return y.ravel() def inverse(self, x): x = x.reshape(self.nh, self.nt) y = _chirp_radon_2d(x, self.dt, self.dh, self.pmax, mode='i') return y.ravel()