Source code for pylops.optimization.solver

import time
import numpy as np

from pylops.utils.backend import get_array_module

[docs]def cg(Op, y, x0, niter=10, damp=0., tol=1e-4, show=False, callback=None): r"""Conjugate gradient Solve a square system of equations given an operator ``A`` and data ``y`` using conjugate gradient iterations. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Operator to invert of size :math:`[N \times N]` y : :obj:`np.ndarray` Data of size :math:`[N \times 1]` x0 : :obj:`np.ndarray`, optional Initial guess niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations damp : :obj:`float`, optional Damping coefficient tol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance on residual norm show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display iterations log callback : :obj:`callable`, optional Function with signature (``callback(x)``) to call after each iteration where ``x`` is the current model vector Returns ------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` Estimated model of size :math:`[N \times 1]` iit : :obj:`int` Number of executed iterations cost : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional History of cost function Notes ----- Solve the :math:`\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{Ax}` problem using conjugate gradient iterations. """ ncp = get_array_module(x0) if show: tstart = time.time() print('CGLS\n' '-----------------------------------------------------------\n' 'The Operator Op has %d rows and %d cols\n' 'damp = %10e\ttol = %10e\tniter = %d' % (Op.shape[0], Op.shape[1], damp, tol, niter)) print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------') head1 = ' Itn x[0] r2norm' print(head1) if x0 is None: x = ncp.zeros(Op.shape[1], dtype=y.dtype) s = y.copy() r = Op.rmatvec(s) else: x = x0.copy() r = y - Op.matvec(x) c = r.copy() kold = ncp.abs( cost = np.zeros(niter + 1) cost[0] = kold + damp * ncp.abs( iiter = 0 while iiter < niter and kold > tol: Opc = Op.matvec(c) cOpc = ncp.abs( a = kold / cOpc x += a * c r -= a * Opc k = ncp.abs( b = k / kold c = r + b * c kold = k iiter += 1 cost[iiter] = kold # run callback if callback is not None: callback(x) if show: if iiter < 10 or niter - iiter < 10 or iiter % 10 == 0: if not np.iscomplex(x[0]): msg = '%6g %11.4e %11.4e' % \ (iiter, x[0], cost[iiter]) else: msg = '%6g %4.1e+%4.1ej %11.4e' % \ (iiter, np.real(x[0]), np.imag(x[0]), cost[iiter]) print(msg) if show: print('\nIterations = %d Total time (s) = %.2f' % (iiter, time.time() - tstart)) print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------\n') return x, iiter, cost[:iiter]
[docs]def cgls(Op, y, x0, niter=10, damp=0., tol=1e-4, show=False, callback=None): r"""Conjugate gradient least squares Solve an overdetermined system of equations given an operator ``A`` and data ``y`` using conjugate gradient iterations. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Operator to invert of size :math:`[N \times M]` y : :obj:`np.ndarray` Data of size :math:`[N \times 1]` x0 : :obj:`np.ndarray`, optional Initial guess niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations damp : :obj:`float`, optional Damping coefficient tol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance on residual norm show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display iterations log callback : :obj:`callable`, optional Function with signature (``callback(x)``) to call after each iteration where ``x`` is the current model vector Returns ------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` Estimated model of size :math:`[M \times 1]` istop : :obj:`int` Gives the reason for termination ``1`` means :math:`\mathbf{x}` is an approximate solution to :math:`\mathbf{d} = \mathbf{Op}\mathbf{x}` ``2`` means :math:`\mathbf{x}` approximately solves the least-squares problem iit : :obj:`int` Iteration number upon termination r1norm : :obj:`float` :math:`||\mathbf{r}||_2^2`, where :math:`\mathbf{r} = \mathbf{d} - \mathbf{Op}\mathbf{x}` r2norm : :obj:`float` :math:`\sqrt{\mathbf{r}^T\mathbf{r} + \epsilon^2 \mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{x}}`. Equal to ``r1norm`` if :math:`\epsilon=0` cost : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional History of cost function Notes ----- Minimize the following functional using conjugate gradient iterations: .. math:: J = || \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{Ax} ||_2^2 + \epsilon^2 || \mathbf{x} ||_2^2 where :math:`\epsilon` is the damping coefficient. """ ncp = get_array_module(x0) if show: tstart = time.time() print('CGLS\n' '-----------------------------------------------------------\n' 'The Operator Op has %d rows and %d cols\n' 'damp = %10e\ttol = %10e\tniter = %d' % (Op.shape[0], Op.shape[1], damp, tol, niter)) print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------') head1 = ' Itn x[0] r2norm' print(head1) damp = damp ** 2 if x0 is None: x = ncp.zeros(Op.shape[1], dtype=y.dtype) s = y.copy() r = Op.rmatvec(s) else: x = x0.copy() s = y - Op.matvec(x) r = Op.rmatvec(s) - damp * x c = r.copy() q = Op.matvec(c) kold = ncp.abs( cost = np.zeros(niter + 1) cost[0] = kold + damp * ncp.abs( iiter = 0 while iiter < niter and kold > tol: a = kold / ( + damp * x = x + a * c s = s - a * q r = Op.rmatvec(s) - damp * x k = ncp.abs( b = k / kold c = r + b * c q = Op.matvec(c) kold = k iiter += 1 cost[iiter] = kold + damp * ncp.abs( # run callback if callback is not None: callback(x) if show: if iiter < 10 or niter - iiter < 10 or iiter % 10 == 0: if not np.iscomplex(x[0]): msg = '%6g %11.4e %11.4e' % \ (iiter, x[0], cost[iiter]) else: msg = '%6g %4.1e+%4.1ej %11.4e' % \ (iiter, np.real(x[0]), np.imag(x[0]), cost[iiter]) print(msg) if show: print('\nIterations = %d Total time (s) = %.2f' % (iiter, time.time() - tstart)) print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------\n') # reason for termination istop = 1 if kold < tol else 2 r1norm = kold r2norm = cost[iiter] return x, istop, iiter, r1norm, r2norm, cost[:iiter]