Source code for pylops.waveeqprocessing.wavedecomposition

import logging
import numpy as np

from scipy.signal import filtfilt
from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr
from pylops.utils import dottest as Dottest
from pylops import Diagonal, Identity, Block, BlockDiag
from pylops.signalprocessing import FFT2D, FFTND
from pylops.utils.backend import get_module, get_module_name, get_array_module

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)

def _filter_obliquity(OBL, F, Kx, vel, critical, ntaper, Ky=0):
    """Apply masking of ``OBL`` based on critical angle and tapering at edges

    OBL : :obj:`np.ndarray`
        Obliquity factor
    F : :obj:`np.ndarray`
        Frequency grid
    Kx : :obj:`np.ndarray`
        Horizonal wavenumber grid
    vel : :obj:`float`
        Velocity along the receiver array (must be constant)
    critical : :obj:`float`, optional
        Percentage of angles to retain in obliquity factor
    ntaper : :obj:`float`, optional
        Number of samples of taper applied to obliquity factor around critical
    Ky : :obj:`np.ndarray`, optional
        Second horizonal wavenumber grid

    OBL : :obj:`np.ndarray`
        Filtered obliquity factor

    critical /= 100.
    mask = np.sqrt(Kx**2 + Ky**2) < critical * np.abs(F) / vel
    OBL *= mask
    OBL = filtfilt(np.ones(ntaper) / float(ntaper), 1, OBL, axis=0)
    OBL = filtfilt(np.ones(ntaper) / float(ntaper), 1, OBL, axis=1)
    if isinstance(Ky, np.ndarray):
        OBL = filtfilt(np.ones(ntaper) / float(ntaper), 1, OBL, axis=2)
    return OBL

def _obliquity2D(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts, critical=100., ntaper=10,
                 composition=True, backend='numpy', dtype='complex128'):
    r"""2D Obliquity operator and FFT operator

    nt : :obj:`int`
        Number of samples along the time axis
    nr : :obj:`int`
        Number of samples along the receiver axis
    dt : :obj:`float`
        Sampling along the time axis
    dr : :obj:`float`
        Sampling along the receiver array
    rho : :obj:`float`
        Density along the receiver array (must be constant)
    vel : :obj:`float`
        Velocity along the receiver array (must be constant)
    nffts : :obj:`tuple`, optional
        Number of samples along the wavenumber and frequency axes
    critical : :obj:`float`, optional
        Percentage of angles to retain in obliquity factor. For example, if
        ``critical=100`` only angles below the critical angle
        :math:`|k_x| < \frac{f(k_x)}{vel}` will be retained
    ntaper : :obj:`float`, optional
        Number of samples of taper applied to obliquity factor around critical
    composition : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Create obliquity factor for composition (``True``) or
        decomposition (``False``)
    backend : :obj:`str`, optional
        Backend used for creation of obliquity factor operator
        (``numpy`` or ``cupy``)
    dtype : :obj:`str`, optional
        Type of elements in input array.

    FFTop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`
        FFT operator
    OBLop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`
        Obliquity factor operator

    # create Fourier operator
    FFTop = FFT2D(dims=[nr, nt], nffts=nffts, sampling=[dr, dt],

    # create obliquity operator
    [Kx, F] = np.meshgrid(FFTop.f1, FFTop.f2, indexing='ij')
    k = F / vel
    Kz = np.sqrt((k ** 2 - Kx ** 2).astype(dtype))
    Kz[np.isnan(Kz)] = 0

    if composition:
        OBL = Kz / (rho * np.abs(F))
        OBL[F == 0] = 0
        OBL = rho * (np.abs(F) / Kz)
        OBL[Kz == 0] = 0

    # cut off and taper
    OBL = _filter_obliquity(OBL, F, Kx, vel, critical, ntaper)
    OBL = get_module(backend).asarray(OBL)
    OBLop = Diagonal(OBL.ravel(), dtype=dtype)
    return FFTop, OBLop

def _obliquity3D(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts, critical=100., ntaper=10,
                 composition=True, backend='numpy', dtype='complex128'):
    r"""3D Obliquity operator and FFT operator

    nt : :obj:`int`
        Number of samples along the time axis
    nr : :obj:`tuple`
        Number of samples along the receiver axes
    dt : :obj:`float`
        Sampling along the time axis
    dr : :obj:`tuple`
        Samplings along the receiver array
    rho : :obj:`float`
        Density along the receiver array (must be constant)
    vel : :obj:`float`
        Velocity along the receiver array (must be constant)
    nffts : :obj:`tuple`, optional
        Number of samples along the wavenumber and frequency axes
    critical : :obj:`float`, optional
        Percentage of angles to retain in obliquity factor. For example, if
        ``critical=100`` only angles below the critical angle
        :math:`\sqrt{k_y^2 + k_x^2} < \frac{\omega}{vel}` will be retained
    ntaper : :obj:`float`, optional
        Number of samples of taper applied to obliquity factor around critical
    composition : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Create obliquity factor for composition (``True``) or
        decomposition (``False``)
    backend : :obj:`str`, optional
        Backend used for creation of obliquity factor operator
        (``numpy`` or ``cupy``)
    dtype : :obj:`str`, optional
        Type of elements in input array.

    FFTop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`
        FFT operator
    OBLop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`
        Obliquity factor operator

    # create Fourier operator
    FFTop = FFTND(dims=[nr[0], nr[1], nt], nffts=nffts,
                  sampling=[dr[0], dr[1], dt], dtype=dtype)

    # create obliquity operator
    [Ky, Kx, F] = np.meshgrid(FFTop.fs[0], FFTop.fs[1], FFTop.fs[2],
    k = F / vel
    Kz = np.sqrt((k ** 2 - Ky ** 2 - Kx ** 2).astype(dtype))
    Kz[np.isnan(Kz)] = 0
    if composition:
        OBL = Kz / (rho * np.abs(F))
        OBL[F == 0] = 0
        OBL = rho * (np.abs(F) / Kz)
        OBL[Kz == 0] = 0

    # cut off and taper
    OBL = _filter_obliquity(OBL, F, Kx, vel, critical, ntaper, Ky=Ky)
    OBL = get_module(backend).asarray(OBL)
    OBLop = Diagonal(OBL.ravel(), dtype=dtype)
    return FFTop, OBLop

[docs]def PressureToVelocity(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=(None, None, None), critical=100., ntaper=10, topressure=False, backend='numpy', dtype='complex128'): r"""Pressure to Vertical velocity conversion. Apply conversion from pressure to vertical velocity seismic wavefield (or vertical velocity to pressure). The input model and data required by the operator should be created by flattening the a wavefield of size :math:`(\lbrack n_{r_y}) \times n_{r_x} \times n_t \rbrack`. Parameters ---------- nt : :obj:`int` Number of samples along the time axis nr : :obj:`int` or :obj:`tuple` Number of samples along the receiver axis (or axes) dt : :obj:`float` Sampling along the time axis dr : :obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple` Sampling(s) along the receiver array rho : :obj:`float` Density along the receiver array (must be constant) vel : :obj:`float` Velocity along the receiver array (must be constant) nffts : :obj:`tuple`, optional Number of samples along the wavenumber and frequency axes critical : :obj:`float`, optional Percentage of angles to retain in obliquity factor. For example, if ``critical=100`` only angles below the critical angle :math:`\sqrt{k_y^2 + k_x^2} < \frac{\omega}{vel}` will be retained ntaper : :obj:`float`, optional Number of samples of taper applied to obliquity factor around critical angle topressure : :obj:`bool`, optional Perform conversion from particle velocity to pressure (``True``) or from pressure to particle velocity (``False``) backend : :obj:`str`, optional Backend used for creation of obliquity factor operator (``numpy`` or ``cupy``) dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. Returns ------- Cop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Pressure to particle velocity (or particle velocity to pressure) conversion operator See Also -------- UpDownComposition2D: 2D Wavefield composition UpDownComposition3D: 3D Wavefield composition WavefieldDecomposition: Wavefield decomposition Notes ----- A pressure wavefield (:math:`p(x, t)`) can be converted into an equivalent vertical particle velocity wavefield (:math:`v_z(x, t)`) by applying the following frequency-wavenumber dependant scaling [1]_: .. math:: v_z(k_x, \omega) = \frac{k_z}{\omega \rho} p(k_x, \omega) where the vertical wavenumber :math:`k_z` is defined as :math:`k_z=\sqrt{\omega^2/c^2 - k_x^2}`. Similarly a vertical particle velocity can be converted into an equivalent pressure wavefield by applying the following frequency-wavenumber dependant scaling [1]_: .. math:: p(k_x, \omega) = \frac{\omega \rho}{k_z} v_z(k_x, \omega) For 3-dimensional applications the only difference is represented by the vertical wavenumber :math:`k_z`, which is defined as :math:`k_z=\sqrt{\omega^2/c^2 - k_x^2 - k_y^2}`. In both cases, this operator is implemented as a concatanation of a 2 or 3-dimensional forward FFT (:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.FFT2` or :class:`pylops.signalprocessing.FFTN`), a weighting matrix implemented via :class:`pylops.basicprocessing.Diagonal`, and 2 or 3-dimensional inverse FFT. .. [1] Wapenaar, K. "Reciprocity properties of one-way propagators", Geophysics, vol. 63, pp. 1795-1798. 1998. """ if isinstance(nr, int): obl = _obliquity2D nffts = (int(nffts[0]) if nffts[0] is not None else nr, int(nffts[1]) if nffts[1] is not None else nt) else: obl = _obliquity3D nffts = (int(nffts[0]) if nffts[0] is not None else nr[0], int(nffts[1]) if nffts[1] is not None else nr[1], int(nffts[2]) if nffts[2] is not None else nt) # create obliquity operator FFTop, OBLop = \ obl(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=nffts, critical=critical, ntaper=ntaper, composition=not topressure, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) # create conversion operator Cop = FFTop.H * OBLop * FFTop return Cop
[docs]def UpDownComposition2D(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=(None, None), critical=100., ntaper=10, scaling=1., backend='numpy', dtype='complex128'): r"""2D Up-down wavefield composition. Apply multi-component seismic wavefield composition from its up- and down-going constituents. The input model required by the operator should be created by flattening the separated wavefields of size :math:`\lbrack n_r \times n_t \rbrack` concatenated along the spatial axis. Similarly, the data is also a flattened concatenation of pressure and vertical particle velocity wavefields. Parameters ---------- nt : :obj:`int` Number of samples along the time axis nr : :obj:`int` Number of samples along the receiver axis dt : :obj:`float` Sampling along the time axis dr : :obj:`float` Sampling along the receiver array rho : :obj:`float` Density along the receiver array (must be constant) vel : :obj:`float` Velocity along the receiver array (must be constant) nffts : :obj:`tuple`, optional Number of samples along the wavenumber and frequency axes critical : :obj:`float`, optional Percentage of angles to retain in obliquity factor. For example, if ``critical=100`` only angles below the critical angle :math:`|k_x| < \frac{f(k_x)}{vel}` will be retained will be retained ntaper : :obj:`float`, optional Number of samples of taper applied to obliquity factor around critical angle scaling : :obj:`float`, optional Scaling to apply to the operator (see Notes for more details) backend : :obj:`str`, optional Backend used for creation of obliquity factor operator (``numpy`` or ``cupy``) dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. Returns ------- UDop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Up-down wavefield composition operator See Also -------- UpDownComposition3D: 3D Wavefield composition WavefieldDecomposition: Wavefield decomposition Notes ----- Multi-component seismic data (:math:`p(x, t)` and :math:`v_z(x, t)`) can be synthesized in the frequency-wavenumber domain as the superposition of the up- and downgoing constituents of the pressure wavefield (:math:`p^-(x, t)` and :math:`p^+(x, t)`) as follows [1]_: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{p}(k_x, \omega) \\ \mathbf{v_z}(k_x, \omega) \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ \frac{k_z}{\omega \rho} & - \frac{k_z}{\omega \rho} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{p^+}(k_x, \omega) \\ \mathbf{p^-}(k_x, \omega) \end{bmatrix} where the vertical wavenumber :math:`k_z` is defined as :math:`k_z=\sqrt{\omega^2/c^2 - k_x^2}`. We can write the entire composition process in a compact matrix-vector notation as follows: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{p} \\ s*\mathbf{v_z} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{F} & 0 \\ 0 & s*\mathbf{F} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{I} & \mathbf{I} \\ \mathbf{W}^+ & \mathbf{W}^- \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{F}^H & 0 \\ 0 & \mathbf{F}^H \end{bmatrix} \mathbf{p^{\pm}} where :math:`\mathbf{F}` is the 2-dimensional FFT (:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.FFT2`), :math:`\mathbf{W}^\pm` are weighting matrices which contain the scalings :math:`\pm \frac{k_z}{\omega \rho}` implemented via :class:`pylops.basicprocessing.Diagonal`, and :math:`s` is a scaling factor that is applied to both the particle velocity data and to the operator has shown above. Such a scaling is required to balance out the different dynamic range of pressure and particle velocity when solving the wavefield separation problem as an inverse problem. As the operator is effectively obtained by chaining basic PyLops operators the adjoint is automatically implemented for this operator. .. [1] Wapenaar, K. "Reciprocity properties of one-way propagators", Geophysics, vol. 63, pp. 1795-1798. 1998. """ nffts = (int(nffts[0]) if nffts[0] is not None else nr, int(nffts[1]) if nffts[1] is not None else nt) # create obliquity operator FFTop, OBLop, = \ _obliquity2D(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=nffts, critical=critical, ntaper=ntaper, composition=True, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) # create up-down modelling operator UDop = (BlockDiag([FFTop.H, scaling*FFTop.H]) * \ Block([[Identity(nffts[0]*nffts[1], dtype=dtype), Identity(nffts[0]*nffts[1], dtype=dtype)], [OBLop, -OBLop]]) * \ BlockDiag([FFTop, FFTop])) return UDop
[docs]def UpDownComposition3D(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=(None, None, None), critical=100., ntaper=10, scaling=1., backend='numpy', dtype='complex128'): r"""3D Up-down wavefield composition. Apply multi-component seismic wavefield composition from its up- and down-going constituents. The input model required by the operator should be created by flattening the separated wavefields of size :math:`\lbrack n_{r_y} \times n_{r_x} \times n_t \rbrack` concatenated along the first spatial axis. Similarly, the data is also a flattened concatenation of pressure and vertical particle velocity wavefields. Parameters ---------- nt : :obj:`int` Number of samples along the time axis nr : :obj:`tuple` Number of samples along the receiver axes dt : :obj:`float` Sampling along the time axis dr : :obj:`tuple` Samplings along the receiver array rho : :obj:`float` Density along the receiver array (must be constant) vel : :obj:`float` Velocity along the receiver array (must be constant) nffts : :obj:`tuple`, optional Number of samples along the wavenumbers and frequency axes (for the wavenumbers axes the same order as ``nr`` and ``dr`` must be followed) critical : :obj:`float`, optional Percentage of angles to retain in obliquity factor. For example, if ``critical=100`` only angles below the critical angle :math:`\sqrt{k_y^2 + k_x^2} < \frac{\omega}{vel}` will be retained ntaper : :obj:`float`, optional Number of samples of taper applied to obliquity factor around critical angle scaling : :obj:`float`, optional Scaling to apply to the operator (see Notes for more details) backend : :obj:`str`, optional Backend used for creation of obliquity factor operator (``numpy`` or ``cupy``) dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. Returns ------- UDop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Up-down wavefield composition operator See Also -------- UpDownComposition2D: 2D Wavefield composition WavefieldDecomposition: Wavefield decomposition Notes ----- Multi-component seismic data (:math:`p(y, x, t)` and :math:`v_z(y, x, t)`) can be synthesized in the frequency-wavenumber domain as the superposition of the up- and downgoing constituents of the pressure wavefield (:math:`p^-(y, x, t)` and :math:`p^+(y, x, t)`) as described :class:`pylops.waveeqprocessing.UpDownComposition2D`. Here the vertical wavenumber :math:`k_z` is defined as :math:`k_z=\sqrt{\omega^2/c^2 - k_y^2 - k_x^2}`. """ nffts = (int(nffts[0]) if nffts[0] is not None else nr[0], int(nffts[1]) if nffts[1] is not None else nr[1], int(nffts[2]) if nffts[2] is not None else nt) # create obliquity operator FFTop, OBLop = \ _obliquity3D(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=nffts, critical=critical, ntaper=ntaper, composition=True, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) # create up-down modelling operator UDop = (BlockDiag([FFTop.H, scaling * FFTop.H]) * \ Block([[Identity(nffts[0] * nffts[1] * nffts[2], dtype=dtype), Identity(nffts[0] * nffts[1] * nffts[2], dtype=dtype)], [OBLop, -OBLop]]) * \ BlockDiag([FFTop, FFTop])) return UDop
[docs]def WavefieldDecomposition(p, vz, nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=(None, None, None), critical=100., ntaper=10, scaling=1., kind='inverse', restriction=None, sptransf=None, solver=lsqr, dottest=False, dtype='complex128', **kwargs_solver): r"""Up-down wavefield decomposition. Apply seismic wavefield decomposition from multi-component (pressure and vertical particle velocity) data. This process is also generally referred to as data-based deghosting. Parameters ---------- p : :obj:`np.ndarray` Pressure data of size :math:`\lbrack n_{r_x} (\times n_{r_y}) \times n_t \rbrack` (or :math:`\lbrack n_{r_{x,sub}} (\times n_{r_{y,sub}}) \times n_t \rbrack` in case a ``restriction`` operator is provided. Note that :math:`n_{r_{x,sub}}` (and :math:`n_{r_{y,sub}}`) must agree with the size of the output of this operator) vz : :obj:`np.ndarray` Vertical particle velocity data of same size as pressure data nt : :obj:`int` Number of samples along the time axis nr : :obj:`int` or :obj:`tuple` Number of samples along the receiver axis (or axes) dt : :obj:`float` Sampling along the time axis dr : :obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple` Sampling along the receiver array (or axes) rho : :obj:`float` Density along the receiver array (must be constant) vel : :obj:`float` Velocity along the receiver array (must be constant) nffts : :obj:`tuple`, optional Number of samples along the wavenumber and frequency axes critical : :obj:`float`, optional Percentage of angles to retain in obliquity factor. For example, if ``critical=100`` only angles below the critical angle :math:`\frac{f(k_x)}{v}` will be retained ntaper : :obj:`float`, optional Number of samples of taper applied to obliquity factor around critical angle kind : :obj:`str`, optional Type of separation: ``inverse`` (default) or ``analytical`` scaling : :obj:`float`, optional Scaling to apply to the operator (see Notes of :func:`pylops.waveeqprocessing.wavedecomposition.UpDownComposition2D` for more details) restriction : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`, optional Restriction operator sptransf : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`, optional Sparsifying operator solver : :obj:`float`, optional Function handle of solver to be used if ``kind='inverse'`` dottest : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply dot-test dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. **kwargs_solver Arbitrary keyword arguments for chosen ``solver`` Returns ------- pup : :obj:`np.ndarray` Up-going wavefield pdown : :obj:`np.ndarray` Down-going wavefield Raises ------ KeyError If ``kind`` is neither ``analytical`` nor ``inverse`` Notes ----- Up- and down-going components of seismic data (:math:`p^-(x, t)` and :math:`p^+(x, t)`) can be estimated from multi-component data (:math:`p(x, t)` and :math:`v_z(x, t)`) by computing the following expression [1]_: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{p^+}(k_x, \omega) \\ \mathbf{p^-}(k_x, \omega) \end{bmatrix} = \frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \frac{\omega \rho}{k_z} \\ 1 & - \frac{\omega \rho}{k_z} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{p}(k_x, \omega) \\ \mathbf{v_z}(k_x, \omega) \end{bmatrix} if ``kind='analytical'`` or alternatively by solving the equation in :func:`ptcpy.waveeqprocessing.UpDownComposition2D` as an inverse problem, if ``kind='inverse'``. The latter approach has several advantages as data regularization can be included as part of the separation process allowing the input data to be aliased. This is obtained by solving the following problem: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{p} \\ s*\mathbf{v_z} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{R}\mathbf{F} & 0 \\ 0 & s*\mathbf{R}\mathbf{F} \end{bmatrix} \mathbf{W} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{F}^H \mathbf{S} & 0 \\ 0 & \mathbf{F}^H \mathbf{S} \end{bmatrix} \mathbf{p^{\pm}} where :math:`\mathbf{R}` is a :class:`ptcpy.basicoperators.Restriction` operator and :math:`\mathbf{S}` is sparsyfing transform operator (e.g., :class:`ptcpy.signalprocessing.Radon2D`). .. [1] Wapenaar, K. "Reciprocity properties of one-way propagators", Geophysics, vol. 63, pp. 1795-1798. 1998. """ ncp = get_array_module(p) backend = get_module_name(ncp) ndims = p.ndim if ndims == 2: dims = (nr, nt) dims2 = (2 * nr, nt) nr2 = nr decomposition = _obliquity2D composition = UpDownComposition2D else: dims = (nr[0], nr[1], nt) dims2 = (2 * nr[0], nr[1], nt) nr2 = nr[0] decomposition = _obliquity3D composition = UpDownComposition3D if kind == 'analytical': FFTop, OBLop = \ decomposition(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=nffts, critical=critical, ntaper=ntaper, composition=False, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) VZ = FFTop * vz.ravel() # scaled Vz VZ_obl = OBLop * VZ vz_obl = FFTop.H * VZ_obl vz_obl = ncp.real(vz_obl.reshape(dims)) #  separation pup = (p - vz_obl) / 2 pdown = (p + vz_obl) / 2 elif kind == 'inverse': d = ncp.concatenate((p.ravel(), scaling*vz.ravel())) UDop = \ composition(nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=nffts, critical=critical, ntaper=ntaper, scaling=scaling, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) if restriction is not None: UDop = restriction * UDop if sptransf is not None: UDop = UDop * BlockDiag([sptransf, sptransf]) UDop.dtype = ncp.real(ncp.ones(1, UDop.dtype)).dtype if dottest: Dottest(UDop, UDop.shape[0], UDop.shape[1], complexflag=2, backend=backend, verb=True) # separation by inversion dud = solver(UDop, d.ravel(), **kwargs_solver)[0] if sptransf is None: dud = ncp.real(dud) else: dud = BlockDiag([sptransf, sptransf]) * ncp.real(dud) dud = dud.reshape(dims2) pdown, pup = dud[:nr2], dud[nr2:] else: raise KeyError('kind must be analytical or inverse') return pup, pdown