Source code for pylops.utils.describe

import random
import string

from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface import (

from pylops import LinearOperator
from pylops.basicoperators import BlockDiag, HStack, VStack
from pylops.LinearOperator import _ScaledLinearOperator

    from sympy import BlockDiagMatrix, BlockMatrix, MatrixSymbol
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    raise ModuleNotFoundError(
        "Sympy package not installed. In order to use "
        "the describe method run "
        "install sympy."

compositeops = (

def _in_notebook():
    """Check if code is running inside notebook"""
        from IPython import get_ipython

        if "IPKernelApp" not in get_ipython().config:
            return False
    except ImportError:
        return False
    except AttributeError:
        return False
    return True

def _assign_name(Op, Ops, names):
    """Assign name to an operator as provided by the user
    (or randomly select one when not provided by the user)

    Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`
        Linear Operator to assign name to
    Ops : :obj:`dict`
        Dictionary of Operators found by the _describe method whilst crawling
        through the composite operator to describe
    names : :obj:`list`
        List of currently assigned names

    # Add a suffix when all letters of the alphabet are already in use. This
    # decision is made by counting the length of the names list and using the
    # English vocabulary (26 characters)
    suffix = "1" * (len(names) // 26)
    # Propose a new name, where a random letter is chosen if Op does not
    # have a name
    proposedname = (
        getattr(Op, "name", random.choice(string.ascii_letters).upper()) + suffix
    if proposedname not in names or (Ops[proposedname][1] == id(Op)):
        # Assign the proposed name if this is not yet in use or if it is
        # used by the same operator. Note that an operator may reapper
        # multiple times in an expression
        name = proposedname
        # Propose a new name until an unused character is found
        origname = proposedname
        while proposedname in names:
            proposedname = random.choice(string.ascii_letters).upper() + suffix
        name = proposedname
            f"The user has used the same name {origname} for two distinct operators, "
            f"changing name of operator {type(Op).__name__} to {name}..."
        ) = name
    return name

def _describeop(Op, Ops, names):
    """Core steps to describe a single operator

    Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`
        Linear Operator to assign name to
    Ops : :obj:`dict`
        Dictionary of Operators found by the _describe method whilst crawling
        through the composite operator to describe
    names : :obj:`list`
        List of currently assigned names

    if type(Op) not in compositeops:
        # A native PyLops operator has been found, assign a name and store
        # it as MatrixSymbol
        name = _assign_name(Op, Ops, names)
        Op0 = MatrixSymbol(name, 1, 1)
        Ops_ = {name: (type(Op).__name__, id(Op))}
    elif type(Op) == LinearOperator:
        # A LinearOperator has been found, either extract Op and start to
        # describe it or if a name has been given to the operator treat as
        # it is (this is useful when users do not want an operator to be
        # further disected into its components
        name = getattr(Op, "name", None)
        if name is None:
            Op0, Ops_ = _describe(Op.Op)
            Ops_ = {name: (type(Op).__name__, id(Op))}
            Op0 = MatrixSymbol(name, 1, 1)
        # When finding a composite operator, send it again to the _describe
        # method
        Op0, Ops_ = _describe(Op)
    return Op0, Ops_

def _describe(Op):
    """Core steps to describe a composite operator. This is done recursively.

    Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`
        Linear Operator to assign name to
    Ops : :obj:`dict`
        Dictionary of Operators found by the _describe method whilst crawling
        through the composite operator to describe
    names : :obj:`list`
        List of currently assigned names

    Ops = {}
    if type(Op) not in compositeops:
        # A native PyLops operator has been found, assign a name and store
        # it as MatrixSymbol
        name = _assign_name(Op, Ops, list(Ops.keys()))
        Ops[name] = (type(Op).__name__, id(Op))
        Opsym = MatrixSymbol(, 1, 1)
        if type(Op) == LinearOperator:
            # A LinearOperator has been found, either extract Op and start to
            # describe it or if a name has been given to the operator treat as
            # it is (this is useful when users do not want an operator to be
            # further disected into its components
            name = getattr(Op, "name", None)
            if name is None:
                Opsym, Ops_ = _describe(Op.Op)
                Ops[name] = (type(Op).__name__, id(Op))
                Opsym = MatrixSymbol(, 1, 1)
        elif type(Op) == _AdjointLinearOperator:
            # An adjoint LinearOperator has been found, describe it and attach
            # the adjoint symbol to its sympy representation
            Opsym, Ops_ = _describe(Op.args[0])
            Opsym = Opsym.adjoint()
        elif type(Op) == _TransposedLinearOperator:
            # A transposed LinearOperator has been found, describe it and
            # attach the transposed symbol to its sympy representation
            Opsym, Ops_ = _describe(Op.args[0])
            Opsym = Opsym.T
        elif type(Op) == _ScaledLinearOperator:
            # A scaled LinearOperator has been found, describe it and
            # attach the scaling to its sympy representation. Note that the
            # scaling could either on the left or right side of the operator,
            # so we need to try both
            if isinstance(Op.args[0], LinearOperator):
                Opsym, Ops_ = _describeop(Op.args[0], Ops, list(Ops.keys()))
                Opsym = Op.args[1] * Opsym
                Opsym, Ops_ = _describeop(Op.args[1], Ops, list(Ops.keys()))
                Opsym = Op.args[1] * Opsym
        elif type(Op) == _SumLinearOperator:
            # A sum LinearOperator has been found, describe both operators
            # either side of the plus sign and sum their sympy representations
            Opsym0, Ops_ = _describeop(Op.args[0], Ops, list(Ops.keys()))
            Opsym1, Ops_ = _describeop(Op.args[1], Ops, list(Ops.keys()))
            Opsym = Opsym0 + Opsym1
        elif type(Op) == _ProductLinearOperator:
            # Same as sum LinearOperator but for product
            Opsym0, Ops_ = _describeop(Op.args[0], Ops, list(Ops.keys()))
            Opsym1, Ops_ = _describeop(Op.args[1], Ops, list(Ops.keys()))
            Opsym = Opsym0 * Opsym1
        elif type(Op) in (VStack, HStack, BlockDiag):
            # A special composite operator has been found, stack its components
            # horizontally, vertically, or along a diagonal
            Opsyms = []
            for op in Op.ops:
                Opsym, Ops_ = _describeop(op, Ops, list(Ops.keys()))
            if type(Op) == VStack:
                Opsym = BlockMatrix([[Opsym] for Opsym in Opsyms])
            elif type(Op) == HStack:
                Opsym = BlockMatrix(Opsyms)
            elif type(Op) == BlockDiag:
                Opsym = BlockDiagMatrix(*Opsyms)
    return Opsym, Ops

[docs]def describe(Op): """Describe a PyLops operator .. versionadded:: 1.17.0 Convert a PyLops operator into a ``sympy`` mathematical formula. This routine is useful both for debugging and educational purposes. Note that users can add a name to each operator prior to running the describe method, i.e. ``'Opname'``. Alternatively, each of the PyLops operator that composes the operator ``Op`` is automatically assigned a name. Moreover, note that the symbols :math:`T` and :math:`\dagger` are used in the mathematical expressions to indicate transposed and adjoint operators, respectively. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Linear Operator to describe """ # Describe the operator Opsym, Ops = _describe(Op) # Clean up Ops from id Ops = {op: Ops[op][0] for op in Ops.keys()} # Check if this command is run in a Jupyter notebook or normal shell and # display the operator accordingly if _in_notebook(): from IPython.display import display display(Opsym) else: print(Opsym) print("where:", Ops)