Source code for pylops.utils.signalprocessing

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz

[docs]def convmtx(h, n): r"""Convolution matrix Equivalent of `MATLAB's convmtx function <>`_ . Makes a dense convolution matrix :math:`\mathbf{C}` such that the dot product ``, x)`` is the convolution of the filter :math:`h` and the input signal :math:`x`. Parameters ---------- h : :obj:`np.ndarray` Convolution filter (1D array) n : :obj:`int` Number of columns (if :math:`len(h) < n`) or rows (if :math:`len(h) \geq n`) of convolution matrix Returns ---------- C : :obj:`np.ndarray` Convolution matrix of size :math:`len(h)+n-1 \times n` (if :math:`len(h) < n`) or :math:`n \times len(h)+n-1` (if :math:`len(h) \geq n`) """ if len(h) < n: col_1 = np.r_[h[0], np.zeros(n-1)] row_1 = np.r_[h, np.zeros(n-1)] else: row_1 = np.r_[h[0], np.zeros(n - 1)] col_1 = np.r_[h, np.zeros(n - 1)] C = toeplitz(col_1, row_1) return C