Source code for pylops.waveeqprocessing.lsm

import logging
import numpy as np

from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr
from pylops import Spread
from pylops.signalprocessing import Convolve1D
from pylops.utils import dottest as Dottest

    import skfmm
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    skfmm = None

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)

def _identify_geometry(z, x, srcs, recs, y=None):
    """Identify geometry and acquisition size and sampling
    ns, nr = srcs.shape[1], recs.shape[1]
    nz, nx = len(z), len(x)
    dz = np.abs(z[1] - z[0])
    dx = np.abs(x[1] - x[0])
    if y is None:
        ndims = 2
        shiftdim = 0
        ny = 1
        dy = None
        dims = np.array([nx, nz])
        dsamp = np.array([dx, dz])
        origin = np.array([x[0], z[0]])
        ndims = 3
        shiftdim = 1
        ny = len(y)
        dy = np.abs(y[1] - y[0])
        dims = np.array([ny, nx, nz])
        dsamp = np.array([dy, dx, dz])
        origin = np.array([y[0], x[0], z[0]])
    return ndims, shiftdim, dims, ny, nx, nz, ns, nr, dy, dx, dz, \
           dsamp, origin

def _traveltime_table(z, x, srcs, recs, vel, y=None, mode='eikonal'):
    r"""Traveltime table

    Compute traveltimes along the source-subsurface-receivers triplet
    in 2- or 3-dimensional media given a constant or depth- and space variable

    z : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Depth axis
    x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Spatial axis
    srcs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Sources in array of size :math:`\lbrack 2/3 \times n_s \rbrack`
    recs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Receivers in array of size :math:`\lbrack 2/3 \times n_r \rbrack`
    vel : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`float`
        Velocity model of size :math:`\lbrack (n_y \times) n_x
        \times n_z \rbrack` (or constant)
    y : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Additional spatial axis (for 3-dimensional problems)
    mode : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
        Computation mode (``eikonal``, ``analytic`` - only for constant velocity)

    trav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Total traveltime table of size :math:`\lbrack (n_y*) n_x*n_z
        \times n_s*n_r \rbrack`
    trav_srcs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Source-to-subsurface traveltime table of size
        :math:`\lbrack (n_y*) n_x*n_z \times n_s \rbrack` (or constant)
    trav_recs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Receiver-to-subsurface traveltime table of size
        :math:`\lbrack (n_y*) n_x*n_z \times n_r \rbrack`

    ndims, shiftdim, _, ny, nx, nz, ns, nr, _, _, _, dsamp, origin = \
        _identify_geometry(z, x, srcs, recs, y=y)
    if mode == 'analytic':
        if not isinstance(vel, (float, int)):
            raise ValueError('vel must be scalar for mode=analytical')

        # compute grid
        if ndims == 2:
            X, Z = np.meshgrid(x, z, indexing='ij')
            X, Z = X.flatten(), Z.flatten()
            Y, X, Z = np.meshgrid(y, x, z, indexing='ij')
            Y, X, Z = Y.flatten(), X.flatten(), Z.flatten()

        dist_srcs2 = np.zeros((ny * nx * nz, ns))
        dist_recs2 = np.zeros((ny * nx * nz, nr))
        for isrc, src in enumerate(srcs.T):
            dist_srcs2[:, isrc] = (X - src[0+ shiftdim]) ** 2 + \
                                  (Z - src[1+ shiftdim]) ** 2
            if ndims == 3:
                dist_srcs2[:, isrc] += (Y - src[0]) ** 2
        for irec, rec in enumerate(recs.T):
            dist_recs2[:, irec] = (X - rec[0 + shiftdim]) ** 2 + \
                                  (Z - rec[1 + shiftdim]) ** 2
            if ndims == 3:
                dist_recs2[:, irec] += (Y - rec[0]) ** 2
        trav_srcs = np.sqrt(dist_srcs2) / vel
        trav_recs = np.sqrt(dist_recs2) / vel

        trav = trav_srcs.reshape(ny * nx * nz, ns, 1) + \
               trav_recs.reshape(ny * nx * nz, 1, nr)
        trav = trav.reshape(ny * nx * nz, ns * nr)

    elif mode == 'eikonal':
        if skfmm is not None:
            trav_srcs = np.zeros((ny * nx * nz, ns))
            trav_recs = np.zeros((ny * nx * nz, nr))
            for isrc, src in enumerate(srcs.T):
                src = np.round((src-origin)/dsamp).astype(np.int32)
                phi = np.ones_like(vel)
                if ndims == 2:
                    phi[src[0], src[1]] = -1
                    phi[src[0], src[1], src[2]] = -1
                trav_srcs[:, isrc] = (skfmm.travel_time(phi=phi,
            for irec, rec in enumerate(recs.T):
                rec = np.round((rec-origin)/dsamp).astype(np.int32)
                phi = np.ones_like(vel)
                if ndims == 2:
                    phi[rec[0], rec[1]] = -1
                    phi[rec[0], rec[1], rec[2]] = -1
                trav_recs[:, irec] = (skfmm.travel_time(phi=phi,
            trav = trav_srcs.reshape(ny * nx * nz, ns, 1) + \
                   trav_recs.reshape(ny * nx * nz, 1, nr)
            trav = trav.reshape(ny * nx * nz, ns * nr)
            raise NotImplementedError('cannot compute traveltime with '
                                      'method=eikonal as skfmm is not '
                                      'installed... choose analytical'
                                      'if using constant velocity model, '
                                      'or install scikit-fmm library')
        raise NotImplementedError('method must be analytic or eikonal')

    return trav, trav_srcs, trav_recs

[docs]def Demigration(z, x, t, srcs, recs, vel, wav, wavcenter, y=None, trav=None, mode='eikonal'): r"""Demigration operator. Seismic demigration/migration operator. Parameters ---------- z : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Depth axis x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Spatial axis t : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Time axis for data srcs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Sources in array of size :math:`\lbrack 2/3 \times n_s \rbrack` recs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Receivers in array of size :math:`\lbrack 2/3 \times n_r \rbrack` vel : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Velocity model of size :math:`\lbrack (n_y \times) n_x \times n_z \rbrack` (or constant) wav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Wavelet wavcenter : :obj:`int` Index of wavelet center y : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Additional spatial axis (for 3-dimensional problems) mode : :obj:`str`, optional Computation mode (``analytic``, ``eikonal`` or ``byot``, see Notes for more details) trav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Traveltime table of size :math:`\lbrack (n_y*) n_x*n_z \times n_r \rbrack` (to be provided if ``mode='byot'``) Returns ------- demop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Demigration/Migration operator Raises ------ NotImplementedError If ``mode`` is neither ``analytic``, ``eikonal``, or ``byot`` Notes ----- The demigration operator synthetizes seismic data given from a propagation velocity model :math:`v` and a reflectivity model :math:`m`. In forward mode: .. math:: d(\mathbf{x_r}, \mathbf{x_s}, t) = w(t) * \int_V G(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x_s}, t) G(\mathbf{x_r}, \mathbf{x}, t) m(\mathbf{x}) d\mathbf{x} where :math:`m(\mathbf{x})` is the model and it represents the reflectivity at every location in the subsurface, :math:`G(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x_s}, t)` and :math:`G(\mathbf{x_r}, \mathbf{x}, t)` are the Green's functions from source-to-subsurface-to-receiver and finally :math:`w(t)` is the wavelet. Depending on the choice of ``mode`` the Green's function will be computed and applied differently: * ``mode=analytic`` or ``mode=eikonal``: traveltime curves between source to receiver pairs are computed for every subsurface point and Green's functions are implemented from traveltime look-up tables, placing the reflectivity values at corresponding source-to-receiver time in the data. * ``byot``: bring your own table. Traveltime table provided directly by user using ``trav`` input parameter. Green's functions are then implemented in the same way as previous options. The adjoint of the demigration operator is a *migration* operator which projects data in the model domain creating an image of the subsurface reflectivity. """ ndim, _, dims, ny, nx, nz, ns, nr, _, _, _, _, _ = \ _identify_geometry(z, x, srcs, recs, y=y) dt = t[1] - t[0] nt = len(t) if mode in ['analytic', 'eikonal', 'byot']: if mode in ['analytic', 'eikonal']: # compute traveltime table trav = _traveltime_table(z, x, srcs, recs, vel, y=y, mode=mode)[0] itrav = (trav / dt).astype('int32') travd = (trav / dt - itrav) if ndim == 2: itrav = itrav.reshape(nx, nz, ns * nr) travd = travd.reshape(nx, nz, ns * nr) dims = tuple(dims) else: itrav = itrav.reshape(ny*nx, nz, ns * nr) travd = travd.reshape(ny*nx, nz, ns * nr) dims = (dims[0]*dims[1], dims[2]) # create operator sop = Spread(dims=dims, dimsd=(ns * nr, nt), table=itrav, dtable=travd, engine='numba') cop = Convolve1D(ns * nr * nt, h=wav, offset=wavcenter, dims=(ns * nr, nt), dir=1) demop = cop * sop else: raise NotImplementedError('method must be analytic or eikonal') return demop
[docs]class LSM(): r"""Least-squares Migration (LSM). Solve seismic migration as inverse problem given smooth velocity model ``vel`` and an acquisition setup identified by sources (``src``) and receivers (``recs``) Parameters ---------- z : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Depth axis x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Spatial axis t : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Time axis for data srcs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Sources in array of size :math:`\lbrack 2/3 \times n_s \rbrack` recs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Receivers in array of size :math:`\lbrack 2/3 \times n_r \rbrack` vel : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Velocity model of size :math:`\lbrack (n_y \times) n_x \times n_z \rbrack` (or constant) wav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Wavelet wavcenter : :obj:`int` Index of wavelet center y : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Additional spatial axis (for 3-dimensional problems) mode : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Computation mode (``eikonal``, ``analytic`` - only for constant velocity) dottest : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply dot-test Attributes ---------- Demop : :class:`pylops.LinearOperator` Demigration operator See Also -------- pylops.waveeqprocessing.Demigration : Demigration operator Notes ----- Inverting a demigration operator is generally referred in the literature as least-squares migration (LSM) as historically a least-squares cost function has been used for this purpose. In practice any other cost function could be used, for examples if ``solver='pylops.optimization.sparsity.FISTA'`` a sparse representation of reflectivity is produced as result of the inversion. Finally, it is worth noting that in the first iteration of an iterative scheme aimed at inverting the demigration operator, a projection of the recorded data in the model domain is performed and an approximate (band-limited) image of the subsurface is created. This process is referred to in the literature as *migration*. """ def __init__(self, z, x, t, srcs, recs, vel, wav, wavcenter, y=None, mode='eikonal', dottest=False): self.y, self.x, self.z = y, x, z self.Demop = Demigration(z, x, t, srcs, recs, vel, wav, wavcenter, y=y, mode=mode) if dottest: Dottest(self.Demop, self.Demop.shape[0], self.Demop.shape[1], raiseerror=True, verb=True)
[docs] def solve(self, d, solver=lsqr, **kwargs_solver): r"""Solve least-squares migration equations with chosen ``solver`` Parameters ---------- d : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Input data of size :math:`\lbrack n_s \times n_r \times n_t \rbrack` solver : :obj:`func`, optional Solver to be used for inversion **kwargs_solver Arbitrary keyword arguments for chosen ``solver`` Returns ------- minv : :obj:`np.ndarray` Inverted reflectivity model of size :math:`\lbrack (n_y \times) n_x \times n_z \rbrack` """ minv = solver(self.Demop, d.ravel(), **kwargs_solver)[0] if self.y is None: minv = minv.reshape(len(self.x), len(self.z)) else: minv = minv.reshape(len(self.y), len(self.x), len(self.z)) return minv