Source code for pylops.waveeqprocessing.oneway

import logging
import numpy as np

from pylops import LinearOperator
from pylops.signalprocessing import FFT

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)

def _phase_shift(phiin, freq, kx, vel, dz, ky=0, adj=False):
    """Phase shift extrapolation for single depth level in 3d constant velocity

    phiin : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Frequency-wavenumber spectrum of input wavefield
        (only positive frequencies)
    freq : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Positive frequency axis (already gridded with kx)
    kx : :obj:`int`, optional
        Horizontal wavenumber first axis (already gridded with freq)
    ky : :obj:`int`, optional
        Horizontal wavenumber second axis (already gridded with freq). If ``0``
        is provided, this reduces to phase shift in a 2d medium.
    vel : :obj:`float`, optional
        Constant propagation velocity.
    dz : :obj:`float`, optional
        Depth step.

    phiin : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Frequency-wavenumber spectrum of depth extrapolated wavefield
        (only positive frequencies)

    # vertical slowness
    kz = ((freq / vel) ** 2 - kx ** 2 - ky ** 2)
    kz = np.sqrt(kz.astype(phiin.dtype))
    # ensure evanescent region is complex positive
    kz = np.real(kz) - 1j * np.sign(dz) * np.abs(np.imag(kz))
    # create and apply propagator
    gazx = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * dz * kz)
    if adj:
        gazx = np.conj(gazx)
    phiout = phiin * gazx
    return phiout

class _PhaseShift(LinearOperator):
    """Phase shift operator in frequency-wavenumber domain

    Apply positive phase shift directly in frequency-wavenumber domain.
    See :class:`pylops.waveeqprocessingPhaseShift` for details on
    input parameters.

    def __init__(self, vel, dz, freq, kx, ky=None, dtype='complex64'):
        self.vel = vel = dz
        if ky is None:
   = 0
            [self.freq, self.kx] = np.meshgrid(freq, kx, indexing='ij')
            [self.freq, self.kx,] = \
                np.meshgrid(freq, kx, ky, indexing='ij')
        self.dims = self.freq.shape
        self.shape = (,
        self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        self.explicit = False

    def _matvec(self, x):
        y = _phase_shift(x.reshape(self.dims), self.freq,
                         self.kx, self.vel,,, adj=False)
        return y.ravel()

    def _rmatvec(self, x):
        y = _phase_shift(x.reshape(self.dims), self.freq,
                         self.kx, self.vel,,, adj=True)
        return y.ravel()

[docs]def PhaseShift(vel, dz, nt, freq, kx, ky=None, dtype='float64'): r"""Phase shift operator Apply positive (forward) phase shift with constant velocity in forward mode, and negative (backward) phase shift with constant velocity in adjoint mode. Input model and data should be 2- or 3-dimensional arrays in time-space domain of size :math:`[n_t \times n_{x} (\times n_{y})]`. Parameters ---------- vel : :obj:`float`, optional Constant propagation velocity dz : :obj:`float`, optional Depth step nt : :obj:`int`, optional Number of time samples of model and data freq : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Positive frequency axis kx : :obj:`int`, optional Horizontal wavenumber axis (centered around 0) ky : :obj:`int`, optional Second horizontal wavenumber axis for 3d phase shift (centered around 0) dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array Returns ------- Pop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Phase shift operator Notes ----- The phase shift operator implements a one-way wave equation forward propagation in frequency-wavenumber domain by applying the following transformation to the input model: .. math:: d(f, k_x, k_y) = m(f, k_x, k_y) * e^{-j \sqrt{\omega^2/v^2 - k_x^2 - k_y^2} \Delta z} where :math:`v` is the constant propagation velocity and :math:`\Delta z` is the propagation depth. In adjoint mode, the data is propagated backward using the following transformation: .. math:: m(f, k_x, k_y) = d(f, k_x, k_y) * e^{j \sqrt{\omega^2/v^2 - k_x^2 - k_y^2} \Delta z} Effectively, the input model and data are assumed to be in time-space domain and forward Fourier transform is applied to both dimensions, leading to the following operator: .. math:: \mathbf{d} = \mathbf{F}^H_t \mathbf{F}^H_x \mathbf{P} \mathbf{F}_x \mathbf{F}_t \mathbf{m} where :math:`\mathbf{P}` perfoms the phase-shift as discussed above. """ dtypefft = (np.ones(1, dtype=dtype) + 1j * np.ones(1, dtype=dtype)).dtype if ky is None: dims = (nt, kx.size) dimsfft = (freq.size, kx.size) else: dims = (nt, kx.size, ky.size) dimsfft = (freq.size, kx.size, ky.size) Fop = FFT(dims, dir=0, nfft=nt, real=True, dtype=dtypefft) Kxop = FFT(dimsfft, dir=1, nfft=kx.size, real=False, fftshift=True, dtype=dtypefft) if ky is not None: Kyop = FFT(dimsfft, dir=2, nfft=ky.size, real=False, fftshift=True, dtype=dtypefft) Pop = _PhaseShift(vel, dz, freq, kx, ky, dtypefft) if ky is None: Pop = Fop.H * Kxop * Pop * Kxop.H * Fop else: Pop = Fop.H * Kxop * Kyop * Pop * Kyop.H * Kxop.H * Fop return LinearOperator(Pop)