
pylops.waveeqprocessing.MDC(G, nt, nv, dt=1.0, dr=1.0, twosided=True, fast=None, dtype=None, fftengine='numpy', transpose=True, saveGt=True, conj=False, usematmul=False)[source]

Multi-dimensional convolution.

Apply multi-dimensional convolution between two datasets. If transpose=True, model and data should be provided after flattening 2- or 3-dimensional arrays of size \([n_r (\times n_{vs}) \times n_t]\) and \([n_s (\times n_{vs}) \times n_t]\) (or \(2*n_t-1\) for twosided=True), respectively. If transpose=False, model and data should be provided after flattening 2- or 3-dimensional arrays of size \([n_t \times n_r (\times n_{vs})]\) and \([n_t \times n_s (\times n_{vs})]\) (or \(2*n_t-1\) for twosided=True), respectively.


A new implementation of MDC is provided in v1.5.0. This currently affects only the inner working of the operator and end-users can use the operator in the same way as they used to do with the previous one. Nevertheless, it is now reccomended to use the operator with transpose=False, as this behaviour will become default in version v2.0.0 and the behaviour with transpose=True will be deprecated.

G : numpy.ndarray

Multi-dimensional convolution kernel in frequency domain of size \([n_s \times n_r \times n_{fmax}]\) if transpose=True or size \([n_{fmax} \times n_s \times n_r]\) if transpose=False

nt : int

Number of samples along time axis

nv : int

Number of samples along virtual source axis

dt : float, optional

Sampling of time integration axis

dr : float, optional

Sampling of receiver integration axis

twosided : bool, optional

MDC operator has both negative and positive time (True) or only positive (False)

fast : bool, optional

Deprecated, will be removed in v2.0.0

dtype : str, optional

Deprecated, will be removed in v2.0.0

fftengine : str, optional

Engine used for fft computation (numpy or fftw)

transpose : bool, optional

Transpose G and inputs such that time/frequency is placed in first dimension. This allows back-compatibility with v1.4.0 and older but will be removed in v2.0.0 where time/frequency axis will be required to be in first dimension for efficiency reasons.

saveGt : bool, optional

Save G and G^H to speed up the computation of adjoint of pylops.signalprocessing.Fredholm1 (True) or create G^H on-the-fly (False) Note that saveGt=True will be faster but double the amount of required memory

conj : str, optional

Perform Fredholm integral computation with complex conjugate of G

usematmul : bool, optional

Use numpy.matmul (True) or for-loop with (False) in pylops.signalprocessing.Fredholm1 operator. Refer to Fredholm1 documentation for details.


If nt is even and twosided=True

See also

Multi-dimensional deconvolution


The so-called multi-dimensional convolution (MDC) is a chained operator [1]. It is composed of a forward Fourier transform, a multi-dimensional integration, and an inverse Fourier transform:

\[y(t, s, v) = \mathscr{F}^{-1} \Big( \int_S G(f, s, r) \mathscr{F}(x(t, r, v)) dr \Big)\]

This operation can be discretized and performed by means of a linear operator

\[\mathbf{D}= \mathbf{F}^H \mathbf{G} \mathbf{F}\]

where \(\mathbf{F}\) is the Fourier transform applied along the time axis and \(\mathbf{G}\) is the multi-dimensional convolution kernel.

[1]Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Snieder, R., “Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison”, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 185, pp. 1335-1364. 2011.

Examples using pylops.waveeqprocessing.MDC