Source code for pylops.signalprocessing.FFT2D

import numpy as np
from pylops import LinearOperator

[docs]class FFT2D(LinearOperator): r"""Two dimensional Fast-Fourier Transform. Apply two dimensional Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) to any pair of axes of a multi-dimensional array depending on the choice of ``dirs``. Note that the FFT2D operator is a simple overload to the numpy :py:func:`numpy.fft.fft2` in forward mode and to the numpy :py:func:`numpy.fft.ifft2` in adjoint mode, however scaling is taken into account differently to guarantee that the operator is passing the dot-test. Parameters ---------- dims : :obj:`tuple` Number of samples for each dimension dirs : :obj:`tuple`, optional Pair of directions along which FFT2D is applied nffts : :obj:`tuple`, optional Number of samples in Fourier Transform for each direction (same as input if ``nffts=(None, None)``) sampling : :obj:`tuple`, optional Sampling steps ``dy`` and ``dx`` dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. Note that the `dtype` of the operator is the corresponding complex type even when a real type is provided. Nevertheless, the provided dtype will be enforced on the vector returned by the `rmatvec` method. Attributes ---------- shape : :obj:`tuple` Operator shape explicit : :obj:`bool` Operator contains a matrix that can be solved explicitly (True) or not (False) Raises ------ ValueError If ``dims`` has less than two elements, and if ``dirs``, ``nffts``, or ``sampling`` has more or less than two elements. Notes ----- The FFT2D operator applies the two-dimensional forward Fourier transform to a signal :math:`d(y,x)` in forward mode: .. math:: D(k_y, k_x) = \mathscr{F} (d) = \int \int d(y,x) e^{-j2\pi k_yy} e^{-j2\pi k_xx} dy dx Similarly, the two-dimensional inverse Fourier transform is applied to the Fourier spectrum :math:`D(k_y, k_x)` in adjoint mode: .. math:: d(y,x) = \mathscr{F}^{-1} (D) = \int \int D(k_y, k_x) e^{j2\pi k_yy} e^{j2\pi k_xx} dk_y dk_x Both operators are effectively discretized and solved by a fast iterative algorithm known as Fast Fourier Transform. """ def __init__(self, dims, dirs=(0, 1), nffts=(None, None), sampling=(1., 1.), dtype='complex128'): # checks if len(dims) < 2: raise ValueError('provide at least two dimensions') if len(dirs) != 2: raise ValueError('provide at two directions along which fft is applied') if len(nffts) != 2: raise ValueError('provide at two nfft dimensions') if len(sampling) != 2: raise ValueError('provide two sampling steps') self.dirs = dirs self.nffts = np.array([int(nffts[0]) if nffts[0] is not None else dims[self.dirs[0]], int(nffts[1]) if nffts[1] is not None else dims[self.dirs[1]]]) self.f1 = np.fft.fftfreq(self.nffts[0], d=sampling[0]) self.f2 = np.fft.fftfreq(self.nffts[1], d=sampling[1]) self.dims = np.array(dims) self.dims_fft = self.dims.copy() self.dims_fft[self.dirs[0]] = self.nffts[0] self.dims_fft[self.dirs[1]] = self.nffts[1] self.shape = (int(, int( self.rdtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.cdtype = (np.ones(1, dtype=self.rdtype) + 1j * np.ones(1, dtype=self.rdtype)).dtype self.dtype = self.cdtype self.explicit = False def _matvec(self, x): x = np.reshape(x, self.dims) y = np.sqrt(1./ * np.fft.fft2(x, s=self.nffts, axes=(self.dirs[0], self.dirs[1])) y = y.flatten() y = y.astype(self.cdtype) return y def _rmatvec(self, x): x = np.reshape(x, self.dims_fft) y = np.sqrt( * np.fft.ifft2(x, s=self.nffts, axes=(self.dirs[0], self.dirs[1])) y = np.take(y, range(self.dims[self.dirs[0]]), axis=self.dirs[0]) y = np.take(y, range(self.dims[self.dirs[1]]), axis=self.dirs[1]) y = y.flatten() y = y.astype(self.rdtype) return y