Source code for pylops.linearoperator

from __future__ import annotations, division

__all__ = [

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from numpy.linalg import solve as np_solve
from scipy.linalg import eigvals, lstsq
from scipy.linalg import solve as sp_solve
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator as spLinearOperator
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs as sp_eigs
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh as sp_eigsh
from scipy.sparse.linalg import lobpcg as sp_lobpcg
from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr, spsolve

# need to check scipy version since the interface submodule changed into
# _interface from scipy>=1.8.0
sp_version = sp.__version__.split(".")
if int(sp_version[0]) <= 1 and int(sp_version[1]) < 8:
    from scipy.sparse.sputils import isintlike, isshape
    from scipy.sparse._sputils import isintlike, isshape

from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

from pylops import get_ndarray_multiplication
from pylops.optimization.basic import cgls
from pylops.utils.backend import get_array_module, get_module, get_sparse_eye
from pylops.utils.decorators import count
from pylops.utils.estimators import trace_hutchinson, trace_hutchpp, trace_nahutchpp
from pylops.utils.typing import DTypeLike, InputDimsLike, NDArray, ShapeLike

logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.WARNING)

class _LinearOperator(ABC):
    """Meta-class for Linear operator"""

    def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray:
        """Matrix-vector multiplication handler."""

    def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray:
        """Matrix-vector adjoint multiplication handler."""

[docs]class LinearOperator(_LinearOperator): """Common interface for performing matrix-vector products. This class acts as an abstract interface between matrix-like objects and iterative solvers, providing methods to perform matrix-vector and adjoint matrix-vector products as as well as convenience methods such as ``eigs``, ``cond``, and ``conj``. .. note:: End users of PyLops should not use this class directly but simply use operators that are already implemented. This class is meant for developers and it has to be used as the parent class of any new operator developed within PyLops. Find more details regarding implementation of new operators at :ref:`addingoperator`. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator` or :obj:`pylops.linearoperator.LinearOperator` Operator. If other arguments are provided, they will overwrite those obtained from ``Op``. dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. shape : :obj:`tuple(int, int)`, optional Shape of operator. If not provided, obtained from ``dims`` and ``dimsd``. dims : :obj:`tuple(int, ..., int)`, optional .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 Dimensions of model. If not provided, ``(self.shape[1],)`` is used. dimsd : :obj:`tuple(int, ..., int)`, optional .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 Dimensions of data. If not provided, ``(self.shape[0],)`` is used. clinear : :obj:`bool`, optional .. versionadded:: 1.17.0 Operator is complex-linear. Defaults to ``True``. explicit : :obj:`bool`, optional Operator contains a matrix that can be solved explicitly (``True``) or not (``False``). Defaults to ``False``. forceflat : :obj:`bool`, optional .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 Force an array to be flattened after matvec/rmatvec if the input is ambiguous (i.e., is a 1D array both when operating with ND arrays and with 1D arrays). Defaults to ``None`` for operators that have no ambiguity or to ``True`` for those with ambiguity. name : :obj:`str`, optional .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 Name of operator (to be used by :func:`pylops.utils.describe.describe`) """ def __init__( self, Op: Optional[Union[spLinearOperator, LinearOperator]] = None, dtype: Optional[DTypeLike] = None, shape: Optional[ShapeLike] = None, dims: Optional[ShapeLike] = None, dimsd: Optional[ShapeLike] = None, clinear: Optional[bool] = None, explicit: Optional[bool] = None, forceflat: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if Op is not None: self.Op = Op # All Operators must have shape and dtype dtype = self.Op.dtype if dtype is None else dtype shape = self.Op.shape if shape is None else shape # Optionally, some operators have other attributes dims = getattr(Op, "dims", (Op.shape[1],)) if dims is None else dims dimsd = getattr(Op, "dimsd", (Op.shape[0],)) if dimsd is None else dimsd clinear = getattr(Op, "clinear", True) if clinear is None else clinear explicit = ( getattr(self.Op, "explicit", False) if explicit is None else explicit ) if explicit and hasattr(Op, "A"): self.A = Op.A forceflat = ( getattr(self.Op, "forceflat", None) if forceflat is None else forceflat ) name = getattr(Op, "name", None) if name is None else name if dtype is not None: self.dtype = dtype if shape is not None: self.shape = shape if dims is not None: self.dims = dims if dimsd is not None: self.dimsd = dimsd if clinear is not None: self.clinear = clinear if explicit is not None: self.explicit = explicit if forceflat is not None: self.forceflat = forceflat = name # counters self.matvec_count = 0 self.rmatvec_count = 0 self.matmat_count = 0 self.rmatmat_count = 0 @property def shape(self): _shape = getattr(self, "_shape", None) if _shape is None: # Cannot find shape, falling back on dims and dimsd dims = getattr(self, "_dims", None) dimsd = getattr(self, "_dimsd", None) if dims is None or dimsd is None: # Cannot find both dims and dimsd, error raise AttributeError( ( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'shape' " "nor both fallback attributes ('dims', 'dimsd')" ) ) _shape = (int(, int( self._shape = _shape # Update to not redo everything above on next call return _shape @shape.setter def shape(self, new_shape: ShapeLike) -> None: new_shape = tuple(new_shape) if not isshape(new_shape): raise ValueError(f"invalid shape %{new_shape:r} (must be 2-d)") dims = getattr(self, "_dims", None) dimsd = getattr(self, "_dimsd", None) if dims is not None and dimsd is not None: # Found dims and dimsd if != new_shape[0] and != new_shape[1]: raise ValueError("New shape incompatible with dims and dimsd") elif != new_shape[0]: raise ValueError("New shape incompatible with dimsd") elif != new_shape[1]: raise ValueError("New shape incompatible with dims") self._shape = new_shape @shape.deleter def shape(self): del self._shape @property def dims(self): _dims = getattr(self, "_dims", None) if _dims is None: shape = getattr(self, "_shape", None) if shape is None: raise AttributeError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attributes 'dims' or 'shape'" ) _dims = (shape[1],) return _dims @dims.setter def dims(self, new_dims: ShapeLike) -> None: new_dims = tuple(new_dims) shape = getattr(self, "_shape", None) if shape is None: # shape not set yet self._dims = new_dims else: if == self.shape[1]: self._dims = new_dims else: raise ValueError("dims incompatible with shape[1]") @dims.deleter def dims(self): del self._dims @property def dimsd(self): _dimsd = getattr(self, "_dimsd", None) if _dimsd is None: shape = getattr(self, "_shape", None) if shape is None: raise AttributeError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attributes 'dimsd' or 'shape'" ) _dimsd = (shape[0],) return _dimsd @dimsd.setter def dimsd(self, new_dimsd: ShapeLike) -> None: new_dimsd = tuple(new_dimsd) shape = getattr(self, "_shape", None) if shape is None: # shape not set yet self._dimsd = new_dimsd else: if == self.shape[0]: self._dimsd = new_dimsd else: raise ValueError("dimsd incompatible with shape[0]") @dimsd.deleter def dimsd(self): del self._dimsd @property def clinear(self): return getattr(self, "_clinear", True) @clinear.setter def clinear(self, new_clinear: bool) -> None: self._clinear = bool(new_clinear) @clinear.deleter def clinear(self): del self._clinear @property def explicit(self): return getattr(self, "_explicit", False) @explicit.setter def explicit(self, new_explicit: bool) -> None: self._explicit = bool(new_explicit) @explicit.deleter def explicit(self): del self._explicit @property def forceflat(self): return getattr(self, "_forceflat", None) @forceflat.setter def forceflat(self, new_forceflat: bool) -> None: # note that this can also be None so we check before forcing bool self._forceflat = ( new_forceflat if new_forceflat is None else bool(new_forceflat) ) @forceflat.deleter def forceflat(self): del self._forceflat @property def name(self): return getattr(self, "_name", None) @name.setter def name(self, new_name: str) -> None: self._name = new_name @name.deleter def name(self): del self._name def __mul__(self, x: Union[float, LinearOperator]) -> LinearOperator: return def __matmul__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): raise ValueError("Scalar not allowed, use * instead") return self.__mul__(other) def __rmul__(self, x: float) -> LinearOperator: if np.isscalar(x): Op = _ScaledLinearOperator(self, x) self._copy_attributes( Op, exclude=[ "explicit", "name", ], ) Op.explicit = False return Op else: return NotImplemented def __rmatmul__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): raise ValueError("Scalar not allowed, use * instead") return self.__rmul__(other) def __pow__(self, p: int) -> LinearOperator: if np.isscalar(p): Op = _PowerLinearOperator(self, p) self._copy_attributes( Op, exclude=[ "explicit", "name", ], ) Op.explicit = False return Op else: return NotImplemented def __add__(self, x: LinearOperator) -> LinearOperator: if isinstance(x, (LinearOperator, spLinearOperator)): # cast x to pylops linear operator if not already (this is done # to allow mixing pylops and scipy operators) Opx = aslinearoperator(x) Op = _SumLinearOperator(self, Opx) self._copy_attributes( Op, exclude=[ "explicit", "forceflat", "name", ], ) Op.clinear = Op.clinear and Opx.clinear Op.explicit = False if self.forceflat is None and Opx.forceflat is None: Op.forceflat = None elif self.forceflat is not None and Opx.forceflat is not None: # Define forceflat only if differing, otherwise raise error if self.forceflat != Opx.forceflat: raise ValueError( f"Operators have conflicting forceflat {Op.forceflat} != {Opx.forceflat}" ) Op.forceflat = self.forceflat else: # Only one of them is None Op.forceflat = ( self.forceflat if self.forceflat is not None else Opx.forceflat ) # Replace if shape-like if len(self.dims) == 1: Op.dims = Opx.dims if len(self.dimsd) == 1: Op.dimsd = Opx.dimsd return Op else: return NotImplemented def __neg__(self) -> LinearOperator: Op = _ScaledLinearOperator(self, -1) self._copy_attributes( Op, exclude=[ "explicit", "name", ], ) Op.explicit = False return Op def __sub__(self, x): return self.__add__(-x) def __repr__(self): M, N = self.shape if self.dtype is None: dt = "unspecified dtype" else: dt = "dtype=" + str(self.dtype) return "<%dx%d %s with %s>" % (M, N, self.__class__.__name__, dt) def _copy_attributes( self, dest: LinearOperator, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """Copy attributes from one LinearOperator to another""" if exclude is None: exclude = ["name"] attrs = ["dims", "dimsd", "clinear", "explicit", "forceflat", "name"] if exclude is not None: for item in exclude: attrs.remove(item) for attr in attrs: if hasattr(self, attr): setattr(dest, attr, getattr(self, attr)) def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Matrix-vector multiplication handler.""" if self.Op is not None: return self.Op._matvec(x) def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Matrix-vector adjoint multiplication handler.""" if self.Op is not None: return self.Op._rmatvec(x) def _matmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Matrix-matrix multiplication handler. Modified version of scipy _matmat to avoid having trailing dimension in col when provided to matvec """ ncp = get_array_module(X) if sp.sparse.issparse(X): y = ncp.vstack([self.matvec(col.toarray().reshape(-1)) for col in X.T]).T else: y = ncp.vstack([self.matvec(col.reshape(-1)) for col in X.T]).T return y def _rmatmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Matrix-matrix adjoint multiplication handler. Modified version of scipy _rmatmat to avoid having trailing dimension in col when provided to rmatvec """ ncp = get_array_module(X) if sp.sparse.issparse(X): y = ncp.vstack([self.rmatvec(col.toarray().reshape(-1)) for col in X.T]).T else: y = ncp.vstack([self.rmatvec(col.reshape(-1)) for col in X.T]).T return y def _adjoint(self) -> LinearOperator: Op = _AdjointLinearOperator(self) self._copy_attributes(Op, exclude=["dims", "dimsd", "explicit", "name"]) Op.explicit = False Op.dims = self.dimsd Op.dimsd = self.dims return Op def _transpose(self) -> LinearOperator: Op = _TransposedLinearOperator(self) self._copy_attributes(Op, exclude=["dims", "dimsd", "explicit", "name"]) Op.explicit = False Op.dims = self.dimsd Op.dimsd = self.dims return Op def adjoint(self): return self._adjoint() H: Callable[[LinearOperator], LinearOperator] = property(adjoint) def transpose(self): return self._transpose() T: Callable[[LinearOperator], LinearOperator] = property(transpose) @count(forward=True) def matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Matrix-vector multiplication. Modified version of scipy matvec which does not consider the case where the input vector is ``np.matrix`` (the use ``np.matrix`` is now discouraged in numpy's documentation). Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Input array of shape (N,) or (N,1) Returns ------- y : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Output array of shape (M,) or (M,1) """ M, N = self.shape if x.shape != (N,) and x.shape != (N, 1): raise ValueError( f"Dimension mismatch. Got {x.shape}, but expected ({N},) or ({N}, 1)." ) y = self._matvec(x) if x.ndim == 1: y = y.reshape(M) elif x.ndim == 2: y = y.reshape(M, 1) else: raise ValueError("Invalid shape returned by user-defined matvec()") return y @count(forward=False) def rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Adjoint matrix-vector multiplication. Modified version of scipy rmatvec which does not consider the case where the input vector is ``np.matrix`` (the use ``np.matrix`` is now discouraged in numpy's documentation). Parameters ---------- y : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Input array of shape (M,) or (M,1) Returns ------- x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Output array of shape (N,) or (N,1) """ M, N = self.shape if x.shape != (M,) and x.shape != (M, 1): raise ValueError( f"Dimension mismatch. Got {x.shape}, but expected ({M},) or ({M}, 1)." ) y = self._rmatvec(x) if x.ndim == 1: y = y.reshape(N) elif x.ndim == 2: y = y.reshape(N, 1) else: raise ValueError("Invalid shape returned by user-defined rmatvec()") return y @count(forward=True, matmat=True) def matmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Matrix-matrix multiplication. Modified version of scipy matmat which does not consider the case where the input vector is ``np.matrix`` (the use ``np.matrix`` is now discouraged in numpy's documentation). Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Input array of shape (N,K) Returns ------- y : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Output array of shape (M,K) """ if X.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected 2-d ndarray or matrix, not {X.ndim}-d ndarray") if X.shape[0] != self.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f"Dimension mismatch: {self.shape}, {X.shape}") Y = self._matmat(X) return Y @count(forward=False, matmat=True) def rmatmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Matrix-matrix multiplication. Modified version of scipy rmatmat which does not consider the case where the input vector is ``np.matrix`` (the use ``np.matrix`` is now discouraged in numpy's documentation). Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Input array of shape (M,K) Returns ------- y : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Output array of shape (N,K) """ if X.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected 2-d ndarray or matrix, not {X.ndim}-d ndarray") if X.shape[0] != self.shape[0]: raise ValueError(f"Dimension mismatch: {self.shape}, {X.shape}") Y = self._rmatmat(X) return Y def dot(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Matrix-matrix or matrix-vector multiplication. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Input array (or matrix) Returns ------- y : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Output array (or matrix) that represents the result of applying the linear operator on x. """ if isinstance(x, (LinearOperator, spLinearOperator)): # cast x to pylops linear operator if not already (this is done # to allow mixing pylops and scipy operators) Opx = aslinearoperator(x) Op = _ProductLinearOperator(self, Opx) self._copy_attributes(Op, exclude=["dims", "explicit", "forceflat", "name"]) Op.clinear = Op.clinear and Opx.clinear Op.explicit = False if self.forceflat is None and Opx.forceflat is None: Op.forceflat = None elif self.forceflat is not None and Opx.forceflat is not None: # Define forceflat only if differing, otherwise raise error if self.forceflat != Opx.forceflat: raise ValueError( f"Operators have conflicting forceflat {Op.forceflat} != {Opx.forceflat}" ) Op.forceflat = self.forceflat else: # Only one of them is None Op.forceflat = ( self.forceflat if self.forceflat is not None else Opx.forceflat ) Op.dims = Opx.dims return Op elif np.isscalar(x): Op = _ScaledLinearOperator(self, x) self._copy_attributes( Op, exclude=["explicit", "name"], ) Op.explicit = False return Op else: if not get_ndarray_multiplication() and ( x.ndim > 2 or (x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[0] != self.shape[1]) ): raise ValueError( "Operator can only be applied 1D vectors or 2D matrices. " "Enable ndarray multiplication with pylops.set_ndarray_multiplication(True)." ) is_dims_shaped = x.shape == self.dims is_dims_shaped_matrix = len(x.shape) > 1 and x.shape[:-1] == self.dims if is_dims_shaped: # (dims1, ..., dimsK) => (dims1 * ... * dimsK,) == self.shape x = x.ravel() if is_dims_shaped_matrix and not self.forceflat: # (dims1, ..., dimsK, P) => (dims1 * ... * dimsK, P) x = x.reshape((-1, x.shape[-1])) if x.ndim == 1: y = self.matvec(x) if ( is_dims_shaped and not self.forceflat and get_ndarray_multiplication() ): y = y.reshape(self.dimsd) return y elif x.ndim == 2: y = self.matmat(x) if ( is_dims_shaped_matrix and not self.forceflat and get_ndarray_multiplication() ): y = y.reshape((*self.dimsd, -1)) return y else: raise ValueError( ( "Wrong shape.\nFor vector multiplication, expects either a 1d " "array or, an ndarray of size `dims` when `dims` and `dimsd` " "both are available.\n" "For matrix multiplication, expects a 2d array with its first " f"dimension is equal to {self.shape[1]}.\n" f"Instead, received an array of shape {x.shape}." ) ) def div( self, y: NDArray, niter: int = 100, densesolver: str = "scipy", ) -> NDArray: r"""Solve the linear problem :math:`\mathbf{y}=\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}`. Overloading of operator ``/`` to improve expressivity of `Pylops` when solving inverse problems. Parameters ---------- y : :obj:`np.ndarray` Data niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations (to be used only when ``explicit=False``) densesolver : :obj:`str`, optional Use scipy (``scipy``) or numpy (``numpy``) dense solver Returns ------- xest : :obj:`np.ndarray` Estimated model """ xest = self.__truediv__(y, niter=niter, densesolver=densesolver) return xest def __truediv__( self, y: NDArray, niter: int = 100, densesolver: str = "scipy", ) -> NDArray: if self.explicit is True: if sp.sparse.issparse(self.A): # use scipy solver for sparse matrices xest = spsolve(self.A, y) elif isinstance(self.A, np.ndarray): # use scipy solvers for dense matrices (used for backward # compatibility, could be switched to numpy equivalents) if self.A.shape[0] == self.A.shape[1]: if densesolver == "scipy": xest = sp_solve(self.A, y) else: xest = np_solve(self.A, y) else: xest = lstsq(self.A, y)[0] else: # use numpy/cupy solvers for dense matrices ncp = get_array_module(y) if self.A.shape[0] == self.A.shape[1]: xest = ncp.linalg.solve(self.A, y) else: xest = ncp.linalg.lstsq(self.A, y)[0] else: if isinstance(y, np.ndarray): # numpy backend xest = lsqr(self, y, iter_lim=niter, atol=1e-8, btol=1e-8)[0] else: # cupy backend ncp = get_array_module(y) xest = cgls( self, y, x0=ncp.zeros(int(self.shape[1]), dtype=self.dtype), niter=niter, )[0] return xest def todense( self, backend: str = "numpy", ) -> NDArray: r"""Return dense matrix. The operator is converted into its dense matrix equivalent. In order to do so, square or tall operators are applied to an identity matrix whose number of rows and columns is equivalent to the number of columns of the operator. Conversely, for skinny operators, the transpose operator is applied to an identity matrix whose number of rows and columns is equivalent to the number of rows of the operator and the resulting matrix is transposed (and complex conjugated). Note that this operation may be costly for operators with large number of rows and columns and it should be used mostly as a way to inspect the structure of the matricial equivalent of the operator. Parameters ---------- backend : :obj:`str`, optional Backend used to densify matrix (``numpy`` or ``cupy`` or ``jax``). Note that this must be consistent with how the operator has been created. Returns ------- matrix : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`cupy.ndarray` Dense matrix. """ ncp = get_module(backend) Op = self # Create identity matrix shapemin = min(Op.shape) if shapemin <= 1e3: # use numpy for small matrices (faster but heavier on memory) identity = ncp.eye(shapemin, dtype=self.dtype) else: # use scipy for large matrices (slower but lighter on memory) identity = get_sparse_eye(ncp.ones(1))(shapemin, dtype=self.dtype).tocsc() # Apply operator if Op.shape[1] == shapemin: matrix = Op.matmat(identity) else: matrix = ncp.conj(Op.rmatmat(identity)).T return matrix def tosparse(self) -> NDArray: r"""Return sparse matrix. The operator in converted into its sparse (CSR) matrix equivalent. In order to do so, the operator is applied to series of unit vectors with length equal to the number of coloumns in the original operator. Returns ------- matrix : :obj:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` Sparse matrix. """ Op = self (_, n) = self.shape # stores non-zero data for the sparse matrix creation entries = [] indices = [] # loop through columns of self for i in range(n): # make a unit vector for the ith column unit_i = np.zeros(n) unit_i[i] = 1 # multiply unit vector to self and find the non-zeros res_i: NDArray = Op * unit_i rows_nz = np.where(res_i != 0)[0] # append the non-zero values and indices to the lists for j in rows_nz: indices.append([i, j]) entries_i = res_i[rows_nz] for e in entries_i: entries.append(e) # post process the entries / indices for scipy.sparse.csr_matrix entries = np.array(entries) indices = np.array(indices) i, j = indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1] # construct a sparse, CSR matrix from the entries / indices data. matrix = csr_matrix((entries, (j, i)), shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) return matrix def eigs( self, neigs: Optional[int] = None, symmetric: bool = False, niter: Optional[int] = None, uselobpcg: bool = False, **kwargs_eig: Union[int, float, str], ) -> NDArray: r"""Most significant eigenvalues of linear operator. Return an estimate of the most significant eigenvalues of the linear operator. If the operator has rectangular shape (``shape[0]!=shape[1]``), eigenvalues are first computed for the square operator :math:`\mathbf{A^H}\mathbf{A}` and the square-root values are returned. Parameters ---------- neigs : :obj:`int` Number of eigenvalues to compute (if ``None``, return all). Note that for ``explicit=False``, only :math:`N-1` eigenvalues can be computed where :math:`N` is the size of the operator in the model space symmetric : :obj:`bool`, optional Operator is symmetric (``True``) or not (``False``). User should set this parameter to ``True`` only when it is guaranteed that the operator is real-symmetric or complex-hermitian matrices niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations for eigenvalue estimation uselobpcg : :obj:`bool`, optional Use :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg` **kwargs_eig Arbitrary keyword arguments for :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs`, :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh`, or :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg` Returns ------- eigenvalues : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Operator eigenvalues. Raises ------ ValueError If ``uselobpcg=True`` for a non-symmetric square matrix with complex type Notes ----- Depending on the size of the operator, whether it is explicit or not and the number of eigenvalues requested, different algorithms are used by this routine. More precisely, when only a limited number of eigenvalues is requested the :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh` method is used in case of ``symmetric=True`` and the :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs` method is used ``symmetric=False``. However, when the matrix is represented explicitly within the linear operator (``explicit=True``) and all the eigenvalues are requested the :func:`scipy.linalg.eigvals` is used instead. Finally, when only a limited number of eigenvalues is required, it is also possible to explicitly choose to use the ``scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg`` method via the ``uselobpcg`` input parameter flag. Most of these algorithms are a port of ARPACK [1]_, a Fortran package which provides routines for quickly finding eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a matrix. As ARPACK requires only left-multiplication by the matrix in question, eigenvalues/eigenvectors can also be estimated for linear operators when the dense matrix is not available. .. [1] """ if self.explicit and isinstance(self.A, np.ndarray): if self.shape[0] == self.shape[1]: if neigs is None or neigs == self.shape[1]: eigenvalues = eigvals(self.A) else: if not symmetric and np.iscomplexobj(self) and uselobpcg: raise ValueError( "cannot use scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg " "for non-symmetric square matrices of " "complex type..." ) if symmetric and uselobpcg: X = np.random.rand(self.shape[0], neigs).astype(self.dtype) eigenvalues = sp_lobpcg( self.A, X=X, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig )[0] elif symmetric: eigenvalues = sp_eigsh( self.A, k=neigs, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig )[0] else: eigenvalues = sp_eigs( self.A, k=neigs, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig )[0] else: if neigs is None or neigs == self.shape[1]: eigenvalues = np.sqrt(eigvals(, self.A))) else: if uselobpcg: X = np.random.rand(self.shape[1], neigs).astype(self.dtype) eigenvalues = np.sqrt( sp_lobpcg(, self.A), X=X, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig, )[0] ) else: eigenvalues = np.sqrt( sp_eigsh(, self.A), k=neigs, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig, )[0] ) else: if neigs is None or neigs >= self.shape[1]: neigs = self.shape[1] - 2 if self.shape[0] == self.shape[1]: if not symmetric and np.iscomplexobj(self) and uselobpcg: raise ValueError( "cannot use scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg for " "non symmetric square matrices of " "complex type..." ) if symmetric and uselobpcg: X = np.random.rand(self.shape[0], neigs).astype(self.dtype) eigenvalues = sp_lobpcg(self, X=X, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig)[0] elif symmetric: eigenvalues = sp_eigsh(self, k=neigs, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig)[ 0 ] else: eigenvalues = sp_eigs(self, k=neigs, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig)[0] else: if uselobpcg: X = np.random.rand(self.shape[1], neigs).astype(self.dtype) eigenvalues = np.sqrt( sp_lobpcg(self.H * self, X=X, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig)[0] ) else: eigenvalues = np.sqrt( sp_eigs(self.H * self, k=neigs, maxiter=niter, **kwargs_eig)[0] ) return -np.sort(-eigenvalues) def cond( self, uselobpcg: bool = False, **kwargs_eig: Union[int, float, str], ) -> NDArray: r"""Condition number of linear operator. Return an estimate of the condition number of the linear operator as the ratio of the largest and lowest estimated eigenvalues. Parameters ---------- uselobpcg : :obj:`bool`, optional Use :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg` to compute eigenvalues **kwargs_eig Arbitrary keyword arguments for :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs`, :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh`, or :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg` Returns ------- eigenvalues : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Operator eigenvalues. Notes ----- The condition number of a matrix (or linear operator) can be estimated as the ratio of the largest and lowest estimated eigenvalues: .. math:: k= \frac{\lambda_{max}}{\lambda_{min}} The condition number provides an indication of the rate at which the solution of the inversion of the linear operator :math:`A` will change with respect to a change in the data :math:`y`. Thus, if the condition number is large, even a small error in :math:`y` may cause a large error in :math:`x`. On the other hand, if the condition number is small then the error in :math:`x` is not much bigger than the error in :math:`y`. A problem with a low condition number is said to be *well-conditioned*, while a problem with a high condition number is said to be *ill-conditioned*. """ if not uselobpcg: cond = ( self.eigs(neigs=1, which="LM", **kwargs_eig).item() / self.eigs(neigs=1, which="SM", **kwargs_eig).item() ) else: cond = ( self.eigs(neigs=1, uselobpcg=True, largest=True, **kwargs_eig).item() / self.eigs(neigs=1, uselobpcg=True, largest=False, **kwargs_eig).item() ) return cond def conj(self) -> LinearOperator: """Complex conjugate operator Returns ------- conjop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Complex conjugate operator """ conjop = _ConjLinearOperator(self) return conjop def apply_columns(self, cols: InputDimsLike) -> LinearOperator: """Apply subset of columns of operator This method can be used to wrap a LinearOperator and mimic the action of a subset of columns of the operator on a reduced model in forward mode, and retrieve only the result of a subset of rows in adjoint mode. Note that unless the operator has ``explicit=True``, this is not optimal as the entire forward and adjoint passes of the original operator will have to be perfomed. It can however be useful for the implementation of solvers such as Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) that iteratively build a solution by evaluate only a subset of the columns of the operator. Parameters ---------- cols : :obj:`list` Columns to be selected Returns ------- colop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Apply column operator """ colop = _ColumnLinearOperator(self, cols) return colop def toreal(self, forw: bool = True, adj: bool = True) -> LinearOperator: """Real operator Parameters ---------- forw : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply real to output of forward pass adj : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply real to output of adjoint pass Returns ------- realop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Real operator """ realop = _RealImagLinearOperator(self, forw, adj, True) return realop def toimag(self, forw: bool = True, adj: bool = True) -> LinearOperator: """Imag operator Parameters ---------- forw : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply imag to output of forward pass adj : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply imag to output of adjoint pass Returns ------- imagop : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Imag operator """ imagop = _RealImagLinearOperator(self, forw, adj, False) return imagop def trace( self, neval: Optional[int] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, backend: str = "numpy", **kwargs_trace, ) -> float: r"""Trace of linear operator. Returns the trace (or its estimate) of the linear operator. Parameters ---------- neval : :obj:`int`, optional Maximum number of matrix-vector products compute. Default depends ``method``. method : :obj:`str`, optional Should be one of the following: - **explicit**: If the operator is not explicit, will convert to dense first. - **hutchinson**: see :obj:`pylops.utils.trace_hutchinson` - **hutch++**: see :obj:`pylops.utils.trace_hutchpp` - **na-hutch++**: see :obj:`pylops.utils.trace_nahutchpp` Defaults to 'explicit' for explicit operators, and 'Hutch++' for the rest. backend : :obj:`str`, optional Backend used to densify matrix (``numpy`` or ``cupy``). Note that this must be consistent with how the operator has been created. **kwargs_trace Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to :obj:`pylops.utils.trace_hutchinson`, :obj:`pylops.utils.trace_hutchpp`, or :obj:`pylops.utils.trace_nahutchpp` Returns ------- trace : :obj:`float` Operator trace. Raises ------ ValueError If the operator has rectangular shape (``shape[0] != shape[1]``) NotImplementedError If the ``method`` is not one of the available methods. """ if self.shape[0] != self.shape[1]: raise ValueError("operator is not square.") ncp = get_module(backend) if method is None: method = "explicit" if self.explicit else "hutch++" method_l = method.lower() if method_l == "explicit": A = self.A if self.explicit else self.todense(backend=backend) return ncp.trace(A) elif method_l == "hutchinson": return trace_hutchinson(self, neval=neval, backend=backend, **kwargs_trace) elif method_l == "hutch++": return trace_hutchpp(self, neval=neval, backend=backend, **kwargs_trace) elif method_l == "na-hutch++": return trace_nahutchpp(self, neval=neval, backend=backend, **kwargs_trace) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"method {method} not available.") def reset_count(self) -> None: """Reset counters When invoked all counters are set back to 0. """ self.matvec_count = 0 self.rmatvec_count = 0 self.matmat_count = 0 self.rmatmat_count = 0
def _get_dtype( operators: Sequence[LinearOperator], dtypes: Optional[Sequence[DTypeLike]] = None, ) -> DTypeLike: if dtypes is None: dtypes = [] for obj in operators: if obj is not None and hasattr(obj, "dtype"): dtypes.append(obj.dtype) return np.result_type(*dtypes) class _ScaledLinearOperator(LinearOperator): """Scaled Linear Operator""" def __init__( self, A: LinearOperator, alpha: float, ) -> None: if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator): raise ValueError("LinearOperator expected as A") if not np.isscalar(alpha): raise ValueError("scalar expected as alpha") if isinstance(alpha, complex) and not np.iscomplexobj( np.ones(1, dtype=A.dtype) ): # if the scalar is of complex type but not the operator, find out type dtype = _get_dtype([A], [type(alpha)]) else: # if both the scalar and operator are of real or complex type, use type # of the operator dtype = A.dtype super(_ScaledLinearOperator, self).__init__(dtype=dtype, shape=A.shape) self.args = (A, alpha) def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[1] * self.args[0].matvec(x) def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return np.conj(self.args[1]) * self.args[0].rmatvec(x) def _rmatmat(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return np.conj(self.args[1]) * self.args[0].rmatmat(x) def _matmat(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[1] * self.args[0].matmat(x) def _adjoint(self) -> LinearOperator: A, alpha = self.args return A.H * np.conj(alpha) class _ConjLinearOperator(LinearOperator): """Complex conjugate linear operator""" def __init__(self, Op: LinearOperator) -> None: if not isinstance(Op, LinearOperator): raise TypeError("Op must be a LinearOperator") super(_ConjLinearOperator, self).__init__(Op, shape=Op.shape) self.Op = Op def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return (self.Op._matvec(x.conj())).conj() def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return (self.Op._rmatvec(x.conj())).conj() def _adjoint(self) -> LinearOperator: return _ConjLinearOperator(self.Op.H) class _ColumnLinearOperator(LinearOperator): """Column selector linear operator Produces the forward and adjoint passes with a subset of columns of the original operator """ def __init__( self, Op: LinearOperator, cols: InputDimsLike, ) -> None: if not isinstance(Op, LinearOperator): raise TypeError("Op must be a LinearOperator") super(_ColumnLinearOperator, self).__init__(Op, explicit=Op.explicit) self.Op = Op self.cols = cols self._shape = (Op.shape[0], len(cols)) self._dims = len(cols) if self.explicit: self.Opcol = Op.A[:, cols] def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: ncp = get_array_module(x) if self.explicit: y = self.Opcol @ x else: y = ncp.zeros(int(self.Op.shape[1]), dtype=self.dtype) y[self.cols] = x y = self.Op._matvec(y) return y def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: if self.explicit: y = self.Opcol.T.conj() @ x else: y = self.Op._rmatvec(x) y = y[self.cols] return y class _AdjointLinearOperator(LinearOperator): """Adjoint of Linear Operator""" def __init__(self, A: LinearOperator): shape = (A.shape[1], A.shape[0]) super(_AdjointLinearOperator, self).__init__(shape=shape, dtype=A.dtype) self.A = A self.args = (A,) def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.A._rmatvec(x) def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.A._matvec(x) def _matmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.A._rmatmat(X) def _rmatmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.A._matmat(X) class _TransposedLinearOperator(LinearOperator): """Transposition of Linear Operator""" def __init__(self, A: LinearOperator): shape = (A.shape[1], A.shape[0]) super(_TransposedLinearOperator, self).__init__(shape=shape, dtype=A.dtype) self.A = A self.args = (A,) def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return np.conj(self.A._rmatvec(np.conj(x))) def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return np.conj(self.A._matvec(np.conj(x))) def _matmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: return np.conj(self.A._rmatmat(np.conj(X))) def _rmatmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: return np.conj(self.A._matmat(np.conj(X))) class _ProductLinearOperator(LinearOperator): """Product of Linear Operators""" def __init__(self, A: LinearOperator, B: LinearOperator): if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator) or not isinstance(B, LinearOperator): raise ValueError( f"both operands have to be a LinearOperator{type(A)} {type(B)}" ) if A.shape[1] != B.shape[0]: raise ValueError("cannot add %r and %r: shape mismatch" % (A, B)) super().__init__(dtype=_get_dtype([A, B]), shape=(A.shape[0], B.shape[1])) self.args = (A, B) def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[0].matvec(self.args[1].matvec(x)) def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[1].rmatvec(self.args[0].rmatvec(x)) def _rmatmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[1].rmatmat(self.args[0].rmatmat(X)) def _matmat(self, X: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[0].matmat(self.args[1].matmat(X)) def _adjoint(self): A, B = self.args return B.H * A.H class _SumLinearOperator(LinearOperator): def __init__( self, A: LinearOperator, B: LinearOperator, ) -> None: if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator) or not isinstance(B, LinearOperator): raise ValueError("both operands have to be a LinearOperator") if A.shape != B.shape: raise ValueError("cannot add %r and %r: shape mismatch" % (A, B)) self.args = (A, B) super(_SumLinearOperator, self).__init__( dtype=_get_dtype([A, B]), shape=A.shape ) def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[0].matvec(x) + self.args[1].matvec(x) def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[0].rmatvec(x) + self.args[1].rmatvec(x) def _rmatmat(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[0].rmatmat(x) + self.args[1].rmatmat(x) def _matmat(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.args[0].matmat(x) + self.args[1].matmat(x) def _adjoint(self) -> LinearOperator: A, B = self.args return A.H + B.H class _PowerLinearOperator(LinearOperator): def __init__(self, A: LinearOperator, p: int) -> None: if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator): raise ValueError("LinearOperator expected as A") if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]: raise ValueError("square LinearOperator expected, got %r" % A) if not isintlike(p) or p < 0: raise ValueError("non-negative integer expected as p") super(_PowerLinearOperator, self).__init__(dtype=A.dtype, shape=A.shape) self.args = (A, p) def _power(self, fun: Callable, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: res = np.array(x, copy=True) for _ in range(self.args[1]): res = fun(res) return res def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self._power(self.args[0].matvec, x) def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self._power(self.args[0].rmatvec, x) def _rmatmat(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self._power(self.args[0].rmatmat, x) def _matmat(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self._power(self.args[0].matmat, x) def _adjoint(self) -> LinearOperator: A, p = self.args return A.H**p class _RealImagLinearOperator(LinearOperator): """Real-Imag linear operator Computes forward and adjoint passes of an operator Op and returns only its real (or imaginary) component. Note that for the adjoint step the output must be complex conjugated (i.e. opposite of the imaginary part is returned) """ def __init__( self, Op: LinearOperator, forw: bool = True, adj: bool = True, real: bool = True, ) -> None: if not isinstance(Op, LinearOperator): raise TypeError("Op must be a LinearOperator") super(_RealImagLinearOperator, self).__init__(Op, shape=Op.shape) self.Op = Op self.real = real self.forw = forw self.adj = adj self.dtype = np.array(0, dtype=self.Op.dtype).real.dtype def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: ncp = get_array_module(x) y = self.Op._matvec(x) if self.forw: if self.real: y = ncp.real(y) else: y = ncp.imag(y) return y def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: ncp = get_array_module(x) y = self.Op._rmatvec(x) if self.adj: if self.real: y = ncp.real(y) else: y = -ncp.imag(y) return y def aslinearoperator(Op: Union[spLinearOperator, LinearOperator]) -> LinearOperator: """Return Op as a LinearOperator. Converts any operator compatible with pylops definition of LinearOperator into a pylops LinearOperator. This can be used for example when `Op` is a scipy operator to ensure that the returned operator has all properties and methods of the pylops class. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` or any other Operator Operator of any type Returns ------- Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Operator of type :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` """ if isinstance(Op, LinearOperator): return Op else: return LinearOperator(Op)