Source code for pylops.waveeqprocessing.twoway

__all__ = ["AcousticWave2D"]

from typing import Any, NewType, Tuple

import numpy as np

from pylops import LinearOperator
from pylops.utils import deps
from pylops.utils.decorators import reshaped
from pylops.utils.typing import DTypeLike, InputDimsLike, NDArray, SamplingLike

devito_message = deps.devito_import("the twoway module")

if devito_message is None:
    from examples.seismic import AcquisitionGeometry, Model
    from examples.seismic.acoustic import AcousticWaveSolver

    from ._twoway import _CustomSource
    AcousticWaveSolver = Any

AcousticWaveSolverType = NewType("AcousticWaveSolver", AcousticWaveSolver)

[docs]class AcousticWave2D(LinearOperator): """Devito Acoustic propagator. Parameters ---------- shape : :obj:`tuple` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Model shape ``(nx, nz)`` origin : :obj:`tuple` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Model origin ``(ox, oz)`` spacing : :obj:`tuple` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Model spacing ``(dx, dz)`` vp : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Velocity model in m/s src_x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Source x-coordinates in m src_z : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Source z-coordinates in m rec_x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Receiver x-coordinates in m rec_z : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Receiver z-coordinates in m t0 : :obj:`float` Initial time in ms tn : :obj:`int` Final time in ms src_type : :obj:`str` Source type space_order : :obj:`int`, optional Spatial ordering of FD stencil nbl : :obj:`int`, optional Number ordering of samples in absorbing boundaries f0 : :obj:`float`, optional Source peak frequency (Hz) checkpointing : :obj:`bool`, optional Use checkpointing (``True``) or not (``False``). Note that using checkpointing is needed when dealing with large models but it will slow down computations dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of operator (to be used by :func:`pylops.utils.describe.describe`) Attributes ---------- shape : :obj:`tuple` Operator shape explicit : :obj:`bool` Operator contains a matrix that can be solved explicitly (``True``) or not (``False``) """ def __init__( self, shape: InputDimsLike, origin: SamplingLike, spacing: SamplingLike, vp: NDArray, src_x: NDArray, src_z: NDArray, rec_x: NDArray, rec_z: NDArray, t0: float, tn: float, src_type: str = "Ricker", space_order: int = 6, nbl: int = 20, f0: float = 20.0, checkpointing: bool = False, dtype: DTypeLike = "float32", name: str = "A", ) -> None: if devito_message is not None: raise NotImplementedError(devito_message) # create model self._create_model(shape, origin, spacing, vp, space_order, nbl) self._create_geometry(src_x, src_z, rec_x, rec_z, t0, tn, src_type, f0=f0) self.checkpointing = checkpointing super().__init__( dtype=np.dtype(dtype), dims=vp.shape, dimsd=(len(src_x), len(rec_x), self.geometry.nt), explicit=False, name=name, ) @staticmethod def _crop_model(m: NDArray, nbl: int) -> NDArray: """Remove absorbing boundaries from model""" return m[nbl:-nbl, nbl:-nbl] def _create_model( self, shape: InputDimsLike, origin: SamplingLike, spacing: SamplingLike, vp: NDArray, space_order: int = 6, nbl: int = 20, ) -> None: """Create model Parameters ---------- shape : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Model shape ``(nx, nz)`` origin : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Model origin ``(ox, oz)`` spacing : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Model spacing ``(dx, dz)`` vp : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Velocity model in m/s space_order : :obj:`int`, optional Spatial ordering of FD stencil nbl : :obj:`int`, optional Number ordering of samples in absorbing boundaries """ self.space_order = space_order self.model = Model( space_order=space_order, vp=vp * 1e-3, origin=origin, shape=shape, dtype=np.float32, spacing=spacing, nbl=nbl, bcs="damp", ) def _create_geometry( self, src_x: NDArray, src_z: NDArray, rec_x: NDArray, rec_z: NDArray, t0: float, tn: float, src_type: str, f0: float = 20.0, ) -> None: """Create geometry and time axis Parameters ---------- src_x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Source x-coordinates in m src_z : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Source z-coordinates in m rec_x : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Receiver x-coordinates in m rec_z : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Receiver z-coordinates in m t0 : :obj:`float` Initial time tn : :obj:`int` Final time in ms src_type : :obj:`str` Source type f0 : :obj:`float`, optional Source peak frequency (Hz) """ nsrc, nrec = len(src_x), len(rec_x) src_coordinates = np.empty((nsrc, 2)) src_coordinates[:, 0] = src_x src_coordinates[:, 1] = src_z rec_coordinates = np.empty((nrec, 2)) rec_coordinates[:, 0] = rec_x rec_coordinates[:, 1] = rec_z self.geometry = AcquisitionGeometry( self.model, rec_coordinates, src_coordinates, t0, tn, src_type=src_type, f0=None if f0 is None else f0 * 1e-3, ) def updatesrc(self, wav): """Update source wavelet This routines is used to allow users to pass a custom source wavelet to replace the source wavelet generated when the object is initialized Parameters ---------- wav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Wavelet """ wav_padded = np.pad(wav, (0, self.geometry.nt - len(wav))) self.wav = _CustomSource( name="src", grid=self.model.grid, wav=wav_padded, time_range=self.geometry.time_axis, ) def _srcillumination_oneshot(self, isrc: int) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """Source wavefield and illumination for one shot Parameters ---------- isrc : :obj:`int` Index of source to model Returns ------- u0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` Source wavefield src_ill : :obj:`np.ndarray` Source illumination """ # create geometry for single source geometry = AcquisitionGeometry( self.model, self.geometry.rec_positions, self.geometry.src_positions[isrc, :], self.geometry.t0,, f0=self.geometry.f0, src_type=self.geometry.src_type, ) solver = AcousticWaveSolver(self.model, geometry, space_order=self.space_order) # assign source location to source object with custom wavelet if hasattr(self, "wav"):[0, :] = self.geometry.src_positions[isrc, :] # source wavefield u0 = solver.forward( save=True, src=None if not hasattr(self, "wav") else self.wav )[1] # source illumination src_ill = self._crop_model((**2).sum(axis=0), self.model.nbl) return u0, src_ill def srcillumination_allshots(self, savewav: bool = False) -> None: """Source wavefield and illumination for all shots Parameters ---------- savewav : :obj:`bool`, optional Save source wavefield (``True``) or not (``False``) """ nsrc = self.geometry.src_positions.shape[0] if savewav: self.src_wavefield = [] self.src_illumination = np.zeros(self.model.shape) for isrc in range(nsrc): src_wav, src_ill = self._srcillumination_oneshot(isrc) if savewav: self.src_wavefield.append(src_wav) self.src_illumination += src_ill def _born_oneshot(self, solver: AcousticWaveSolverType, dm: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Born modelling for one shot Parameters ---------- solver : :obj:`AcousticWaveSolver` Devito's solver object. dm : :obj:`np.ndarray` Model perturbation Returns ------- d : :obj:`np.ndarray` Data """ # set perturbation dmext = np.zeros(self.model.grid.shape, dtype=np.float32) dmext[self.model.nbl : -self.model.nbl, self.model.nbl : -self.model.nbl] = dm # assign source location to source object with custom wavelet if hasattr(self, "wav"):[0, :] = solver.geometry.src_positions[:] d = solver.jacobian(dmext, src=None if not hasattr(self, "wav") else self.wav)[ 0 ] d = d.resample(solver.geometry.dt).data[:][: solver.geometry.nt].T return d def _born_allshots(self, dm: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Born modelling for all shots Parameters ----------- dm : :obj:`np.ndarray` Model perturbation Returns ------- dtot : :obj:`np.ndarray` Data for all shots """ # create geometry for single source geometry = AcquisitionGeometry( self.model, self.geometry.rec_positions, self.geometry.src_positions[0, :], self.geometry.t0,, f0=self.geometry.f0, src_type=self.geometry.src_type, ) # solve solver = AcousticWaveSolver(self.model, geometry, space_order=self.space_order) nsrc = self.geometry.src_positions.shape[0] dtot = [] for isrc in range(nsrc): solver.geometry.src_positions = self.geometry.src_positions[isrc, :] d = self._born_oneshot(solver, dm) dtot.append(d) dtot = np.array(dtot).reshape(nsrc, d.shape[0], d.shape[1]) return dtot def _bornadj_oneshot(self, isrc, dobs): """Adjoint born modelling for one shot Parameters ---------- isrc : :obj:`float` Index of source to model dobs : :obj:`np.ndarray` Observed data to inject Returns ------- model : :obj:`np.ndarray` Model """ # create geometry for single source geometry = AcquisitionGeometry( self.model, self.geometry.rec_positions, self.geometry.src_positions[isrc, :], self.geometry.t0,, f0=self.geometry.f0, src_type=self.geometry.src_type, ) # create boundary data recs = self.geometry.rec.copy()[:] = dobs.T[:] solver = AcousticWaveSolver(self.model, geometry, space_order=self.space_order) # assign source location to source object with custom wavelet if hasattr(self, "wav"):[0, :] = self.geometry.src_positions[isrc, :] # source wavefield if hasattr(self, "src_wavefield"): u0 = self.src_wavefield[isrc] else: u0 = solver.forward( save=True, src=None if not hasattr(self, "wav") else self.wav )[1] # adjoint modelling (reverse wavefield plus imaging condition) model = solver.jacobian_adjoint( rec=recs, u=u0, checkpointing=self.checkpointing )[0] return model def _bornadj_allshots(self, dobs: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Adjoint Born modelling for all shots Parameters ---------- dobs : :obj:`np.ndarray` Observed data to inject Returns ------- model : :obj:`np.ndarray` Model """ nsrc = self.geometry.src_positions.shape[0] mtot = np.zeros(self.model.shape, dtype=np.float32) for isrc in range(nsrc): m = self._bornadj_oneshot(isrc, dobs[isrc]) mtot += self._crop_model(, self.model.nbl) return mtot @reshaped def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: y = self._born_allshots(x) return y @reshaped def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: y = self._bornadj_allshots(x) return y