Source code for pylops.avo.avo

__all__ = [

import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from numpy import cos, sin, tan

from pylops import LinearOperator
from pylops.utils._internal import _value_or_sized_to_tuple
from pylops.utils.backend import get_array_module
from pylops.utils.decorators import reshaped
from pylops.utils.typing import DTypeLike, NDArray

logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.WARNING)

[docs]def zoeppritz_scattering( vp1: float, vs1: float, rho1: float, vp0: float, vs0: float, rho0: float, theta1: Union[float, npt.ArrayLike], ) -> NDArray: r"""Zoeppritz solution. Calculates the angle dependent p-wave reflectivity of an interface between two media for a set of incident angles. Parameters ---------- vp1 : :obj:`float` P-wave velocity of the upper medium vs1 : :obj:`float` S-wave velocity of the upper medium rho1 : :obj:`float` Density of the upper medium vp0 : :obj:`float` P-wave velocity of the lower medium vs0 : :obj:`float` S-wave velocity of the lower medium rho0 : :obj:`float` Density of the lower medium theta1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Incident angles in degrees Returns ------- zoep : :obj:`np.ndarray` :math:`4 \times 4` matrix representing the scattering matrix for the incident angle ``theta1`` See also -------- zoeppritz_element : Single reflectivity element of Zoeppritz solution zoeppritz_pp : PP reflectivity element of Zoeppritz solution """ ncp = get_array_module(theta1) # Create theta1 array of angles in radiants if isinstance(theta1, (int, float)): theta1 = ncp.array( [ float(theta1), ] ) elif isinstance(theta1, (list, tuple)): theta1 = ncp.array(theta1) theta1 = ncp.radians(theta1) # Set the ray parameter p p = sin(theta1) / vp1 # Calculate reflection & transmission angles for Zoeppritz theta2 = ncp.arcsin(p * vp0) # Trans. angle of P-wave phi1 = ncp.arcsin(p * vs1) # Refl. angle of converted S-wave phi2 = ncp.arcsin(p * vs0) # Trans. angle of converted S-wave # Matrix form of Zoeppritz equation M = ncp.array( [ [-sin(theta1), -cos(phi1), sin(theta2), cos(phi2)], [cos(theta1), -sin(phi1), cos(theta2), -sin(phi2)], [ 2 * rho1 * vs1 * sin(phi1) * cos(theta1), rho1 * vs1 * (1 - 2 * sin(phi1) ** 2), 2 * rho0 * vs0 * sin(phi2) * cos(theta2), rho0 * vs0 * (1 - 2 * sin(phi2) ** 2), ], [ -rho1 * vp1 * (1 - 2 * sin(phi1) ** 2), rho1 * vs1 * sin(2 * phi1), rho0 * vp0 * (1 - 2 * sin(phi2) ** 2), -rho0 * vs0 * sin(2 * phi2), ], ], dtype="float", ) N = ncp.array( [ [sin(theta1), cos(phi1), -sin(theta2), -cos(phi2)], [cos(theta1), -sin(phi1), cos(theta2), -sin(phi2)], [ 2 * rho1 * vs1 * sin(phi1) * cos(theta1), rho1 * vs1 * (1 - 2 * sin(phi1) ** 2), 2 * rho0 * vs0 * sin(phi2) * cos(theta2), rho0 * vs0 * (1 - 2 * sin(phi2) ** 2), ], [ rho1 * vp1 * (1 - 2 * sin(phi1) ** 2), -rho1 * vs1 * sin(2 * phi1), -rho0 * vp0 * (1 - 2 * sin(phi2) ** 2), rho0 * vs0 * sin(2 * phi2), ], ], dtype="float", ) # Create Zoeppritz coefficient for all angles zoep = ncp.zeros((4, 4, M.shape[-1])) for i in range(M.shape[-1]): Mi = M[..., i] Ni = N[..., i] dt =, Ni) zoep[..., i] = dt return zoep
[docs]def zoeppritz_element( vp1: float, vs1: float, rho1: float, vp0: float, vs0: float, rho0: float, theta1: Union[float, NDArray], element: str = "PdPu", ) -> NDArray: """Single element of Zoeppritz solution. Simple wrapper to :py:class:`pylops.avo.avo.scattering_matrix`, returning any mode reflection coefficient from the Zoeppritz scattering matrix for specific combination of incident and reflected wave and a set of incident angles Parameters ---------- vp1 : :obj:`float` P-wave velocity of the upper medium vs1 : :obj:`float` S-wave velocity of the upper medium rho1 : :obj:`float` Density of the upper medium vp0 : :obj:`float` P-wave velocity of the lower medium vs0 : :obj:`float` S-wave velocity of the lower medium rho0 : :obj:`float` Density of the lower medium theta1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Incident angles in degrees element : :obj:`str`, optional Specific choice of incident and reflected wave combining any two of the following strings: ``Pd`` P-wave downgoing, ``Sd`` S-wave downgoing, ``Pu`` P-wave upgoing, ``Su`` S-wave upgoing (e.g., ``PdPu``) Returns ------- refl : :obj:`np.ndarray` reflectivity values for all input angles for specific combination of incident and reflected wave. See also -------- zoeppritz_scattering : Zoeppritz solution zoeppritz_pp : PP reflectivity element of Zoeppritz solution """ elements = np.array( [ ["PdPu", "SdPu", "PuPu", "SuPu"], ["PdSu", "SdSu", "PuSu", "SuSu"], ["PdPd", "SdPd", "PuPd", "SuPd"], ["PdSd", "SdSd", "PuSd", "SuSd"], ] ) refl = zoeppritz_scattering(vp1, vs1, rho1, vp0, vs0, rho0, theta1) element = np.where(elements == element) return np.squeeze(refl[element])
[docs]def zoeppritz_pp( vp1: float, vs1: float, rho1: float, vp0: float, vs0: float, rho0: float, theta1: Union[float, NDArray], ) -> NDArray: """PP reflection coefficient from the Zoeppritz scattering matrix. Simple wrapper to :py:class:`pylops.avo.avo.scattering_matrix`, returning the PP reflection coefficient from the Zoeppritz scattering matrix for a set of incident angles Parameters ---------- vp1 : :obj:`float` P-wave velocity of the upper medium vs1 : :obj:`float` S-wave velocity of the upper medium rho1 : :obj:`float` Density of the upper medium vp0 : :obj:`float` P-wave velocity of the lower medium vs0 : :obj:`float` S-wave velocity of the lower medium rho0 : :obj:`float` Density of the lower medium theta1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Incident angles in degrees Returns ------- PPrefl : :obj:`np.ndarray` PP reflectivity values for all input angles. See also -------- zoeppritz_scattering : Zoeppritz solution zoeppritz_element : Single reflectivity element of Zoeppritz solution """ PPrefl = zoeppritz_element(vp1, vs1, rho1, vp0, vs0, rho0, theta1, "PdPu") return PPrefl
[docs]def approx_zoeppritz_pp( vp1: Union[List, Tuple, npt.ArrayLike], vs1: Union[List, Tuple, npt.ArrayLike], rho1: Union[List, Tuple, npt.ArrayLike], vp0: Union[List, Tuple, npt.ArrayLike], vs0: Union[List, Tuple, npt.ArrayLike], rho0: Union[List, Tuple, npt.ArrayLike], theta1: Union[float, NDArray], ) -> NDArray: """PP reflection coefficient from the approximate Zoeppritz equation. Approximate calculation of PP reflection from the Zoeppritz scattering matrix for a set of incident angles [1]_. .. [1] Dvorkin et al. Seismic Reflections of Rock Properties. Cambridge. 2014. Parameters ---------- vp1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple` P-wave velocity of the upper medium vs1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple` S-wave velocity of the upper medium rho1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple` Density of the upper medium vp0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple` P-wave velocity of the lower medium vs0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple` S-wave velocity of the lower medium rho0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple` Density of the lower medium theta1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float` Incident angles in degrees Returns ------- PPrefl : :obj:`np.ndarray` PP reflectivity values for all input angles. See also -------- zoeppritz_scattering : Zoeppritz solution zoeppritz_element : Single reflectivity element of Zoeppritz solution zoeppritz_pp : PP reflectivity element of Zoeppritz solution """ ncp = get_array_module(theta1) vp1, vs1, rho1 = ncp.array(vp1), ncp.array(vs1), ncp.array(rho1) vp0, vs0, rho0 = ncp.array(vp0), ncp.array(vs0), ncp.array(rho0) # Incident P theta1 = theta1[:, np.newaxis] if vp1.size > 1 else theta1 theta1 = ncp.deg2rad(theta1) # Ray parameter and reflected P p = ncp.sin(theta1) / vp1 theta0 = ncp.arcsin(p * vp0) # Reflected S phi1 = ncp.arcsin(p * vs1) # Transmitted S phi0 = ncp.arcsin(p * vs0) # Coefficients a = rho0 * (1 - 2 * np.sin(phi0) ** 2.0) - rho1 * (1 - 2 * np.sin(phi1) ** 2.0) b = rho0 * (1 - 2 * np.sin(phi0) ** 2.0) + 2 * rho1 * np.sin(phi1) ** 2.0 c = rho1 * (1 - 2 * np.sin(phi1) ** 2.0) + 2 * rho0 * np.sin(phi0) ** 2.0 d = 2 * (rho0 * vs0**2 - rho1 * vs1**2) E = (b * np.cos(theta1) / vp1) + (c * np.cos(theta0) / vp0) F = (b * np.cos(phi1) / vs1) + (c * np.cos(phi0) / vs0) G = a - d * np.cos(theta1) / vp1 * np.cos(phi0) / vs0 H = a - d * np.cos(theta0) / vp0 * np.cos(phi1) / vs1 D = E * F + G * H * p**2 rpp = (1 / D) * ( F * (b * (ncp.cos(theta1) / vp1) - c * (ncp.cos(theta0) / vp0)) - H * p**2 * (a + d * (ncp.cos(theta1) / vp1) * (ncp.cos(phi0) / vs0)) ) return rpp
[docs]def akirichards( theta: npt.ArrayLike, vsvp: Union[float, NDArray], n: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray]: r"""Three terms Aki-Richards approximation. Computes the coefficients of the of three terms Aki-Richards approximation for a set of angles and a constant or variable VS/VP ratio. Parameters ---------- theta : :obj:`np.ndarray` Incident angles in degrees vsvp : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float` :math:`V_S/V_P` ratio n : :obj:`int`, optional Number of samples (if ``vsvp`` is a scalar) Returns ------- G1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` First coefficient of three terms Aki-Richards approximation :math:`[n_\theta \times n_\text{vsvp}]` G2 : :obj:`np.ndarray` Second coefficient of three terms Aki-Richards approximation :math:`[n_\theta \times n_\text{vsvp}]` G3 : :obj:`np.ndarray` Third coefficient of three terms Aki-Richards approximation :math:`[n_\theta \times n_\text{vsvp}]` Notes ----- The three terms Aki-Richards approximation [1]_, [2]_, is used to compute the reflection coefficient as linear combination of contrasts in :math:`V_P`, :math:`V_S`, and :math:`\rho.` More specifically: .. math:: R(\theta) = G_1(\theta) \frac{\Delta V_P}{\overline{V}_P} + G_2(\theta) \frac{\Delta V_S}{\overline{V}_S} + G_3(\theta) \frac{\Delta \rho}{\overline{\rho}} where .. math:: \begin{align} G_1(\theta) &= \frac{1}{2 \cos^2 \theta},\\ G_2(\theta) &= -4 (V_S/V_P)^2 \sin^2 \theta,\\ G_3(\theta) &= 0.5 - 2 (V_S/V_P)^2 \sin^2 \theta,\\ \frac{\Delta V_P}{\overline{V}_P} &= 2 \frac{V_{P,2}-V_{P,1}}{V_{P,2}+V_{P,1}},\\ \frac{\Delta V_S}{\overline{V}_S} &= 2 \frac{V_{S,2}-V_{S,1}}{V_{S,2}+V_{S,1}}, \\ \frac{\Delta \rho}{\overline{\rho}} &= 2 \frac{\rho_2-\rho_1}{\rho_2+\rho_1}. \end{align} .. [1] .. [2] Aki, K., and Richards, P. G. (2002). Quantitative Seismology (2nd ed.). University Science Books. """ ncp = get_array_module(theta) theta = ncp.deg2rad(theta) vsvp = vsvp * ncp.ones(n) if not isinstance(vsvp, ncp.ndarray) else vsvp theta = theta[:, np.newaxis] if vsvp.size > 1 else theta vsvp = vsvp[:, np.newaxis].T if vsvp.size > 1 else vsvp G1 = 1.0 / (2.0 * cos(theta) ** 2) + 0 * vsvp G2 = -4.0 * vsvp**2 * np.sin(theta) ** 2 G3 = 0.5 - 2.0 * vsvp**2 * sin(theta) ** 2 return G1, G2, G3
[docs]def fatti( theta: npt.ArrayLike, vsvp: Union[float, NDArray], n: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray]: r"""Three terms Fatti approximation. Computes the coefficients of the three terms Fatti approximation for a set of angles and a constant or variable VS/VP ratio. Parameters ---------- theta : :obj:`np.ndarray` Incident angles in degrees vsvp : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float` :math:`V_S/V_P` ratio n : :obj:`int`, optional Number of samples (if ``vsvp`` is a scalar) Returns ------- G1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` First coefficient of three terms Smith-Gidlow approximation :math:`[n_{\theta} \times n_\text{vsvp}]` G2 : :obj:`np.ndarray` Second coefficient of three terms Smith-Gidlow approximation :math:`[n_{\theta} \times n_\text{vsvp}]` G3 : :obj:`np.ndarray` Third coefficient of three terms Smith-Gidlow approximation :math:`[n_{\theta} \times n_\text{vsvp}]` Notes ----- The three terms Fatti approximation [1]_, [2]_, is used to compute the reflection coefficient as linear combination of contrasts in :math:`\text{AI},` :math:`\text{SI}`, and :math:`\rho.` More specifically: .. math:: R(\theta) = G_1(\theta) \frac{\Delta \text{AI}}{\bar{\text{AI}}} + G_2(\theta) \frac{\Delta \text{SI}}{\overline{\text{SI}}} + G_3(\theta) \frac{\Delta \rho}{\overline{\rho}} where .. math:: \begin{align} G_1(\theta) &= 0.5 (1 + \tan^2 \theta),\\ G_2(\theta) &= -4 (V_S/V_P)^2 \sin^2 \theta,\\ G_3(\theta) &= 0.5 \left(4 (V_S/V_P)^2 \sin^2 \theta - \tan^2 \theta\right),\\ \frac{\Delta \text{AI}}{\overline{\text{AI}}} &= 2 \frac{\text{AI}_2-\text{AI}_1}{\text{AI}_2+\text{AI}_1},\\ \frac{\Delta \text{SI}}{\overline{\text{SI}}} &= 2 \frac{\text{SI}_2-\text{SI}_1}{\text{SI}_2+\text{SI}_1},\\ \frac{\Delta \rho}{\overline{\rho}} &= 2 \frac{\rho_2-\rho_1}{\rho_2+\rho_1}. \end{align} .. [1] .. [2] Jan L. Fatti, George C. Smith, Peter J. Vail, Peter J. Strauss, and Philip R. Levitt, (1994), "Detection of gas in sandstone reservoirs using AVO analysis: A 3-D seismic case history using the Geostack technique," Geophysics 59: 1362-1376. """ ncp = get_array_module(theta) theta = ncp.deg2rad(theta) vsvp = vsvp * ncp.ones(n) if not isinstance(vsvp, ncp.ndarray) else vsvp theta = theta[:, np.newaxis] if vsvp.size > 1 else theta vsvp = vsvp[:, np.newaxis].T if vsvp.size > 1 else vsvp G1 = 0.5 * (1 + np.tan(theta) ** 2) + 0 * vsvp G2 = -4 * vsvp**2 * np.sin(theta) ** 2 G3 = 0.5 * (4 * vsvp**2 * np.sin(theta) ** 2 - tan(theta) ** 2) return G1, G2, G3
[docs]def ps( theta: npt.ArrayLike, vsvp: Union[float, NDArray], n: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray]: r"""PS reflection coefficient Computes the coefficients for the PS approximation for a set of angles and a constant or variable VS/VP ratio. Parameters ---------- theta : :obj:`np.ndarray` Incident angles in degrees vsvp : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float` :math:`V_S/V_P` ratio n : :obj:`int`, optional Number of samples (if ``vsvp`` is a scalar) Returns ------- G1 : :obj:`np.ndarray` First coefficient for VP :math:`[n_{\theta} \times n_\text{vsvp}]`. Since the PS reflection at zero angle is zero, this value is not used and is only available to ensure function signature compatibility with other linearization routines. G2 : :obj:`np.ndarray` Second coefficient for VS :math:`[n_{\theta} \times n_\text{vsvp}]` G3 : :obj:`np.ndarray` Third coefficient for density :math:`[n_{\theta} \times n_\text{vsvp}]` Notes ----- The approximation in [1]_ is used to compute the PS reflection coefficient as linear combination of contrasts in :math:`V_P`, :math:`V_S`, and :math:`\rho.` More specifically: .. math:: R(\theta) = G_2(\theta) \frac{\Delta V_S}{\bar{V_S}} + G_3(\theta) \frac{\Delta \rho}{\overline{\rho}} where .. math:: \begin{align} G_2(\theta) &= \tan \frac{\theta}{2} \left\{4 (V_S/V_P)^2 \sin^2 \theta - 4(V_S/V_P) \cos \theta \cos \phi \right\},\\ G_3(\theta) &= -\tan \frac{\theta}{2} \left\{1 - 2 (V_S/V_P)^2 \sin^2 \theta + 2(V_S/V_P) \cos \theta \cos \phi\right\},\\ \frac{\Delta V_S}{\overline{V_S}} &= 2 \frac{V_{S,2}-V_{S,1}}{V_{S,2}+V_{S,1}},\\ \frac{\Delta \rho}{\overline{\rho}} &= 2 \frac{\rho_2-\rho_1}{\rho_2+\rho_1}. \end{align} Note that :math:`\theta` is the P-incidence angle whilst :math:`\phi` is the S-reflected angle which is computed using Snell's law and the average :math:`V_S/V_P` ratio. .. [1] Xu, Y., and Bancroft, J.C., "Joint AVO analysis of PP and PS seismic data", CREWES Report, vol. 9. 1997. """ ncp = get_array_module(theta) theta = ncp.deg2rad(theta) vsvp = vsvp * np.ones(n) if not isinstance(vsvp, np.ndarray) else vsvp theta = theta[:, np.newaxis] if vsvp.size > 1 else theta vsvp = vsvp[:, np.newaxis].T if vsvp.size > 1 else vsvp phi = np.arcsin(vsvp * np.sin(theta)) # G1 = 0.0 * np.sin(theta) + 0 * vsvp # G2 = (np.tan(phi) / vsvp) * (4 * np.sin(phi) ** 2 - 4 * vsvp * np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi)) + 0 * vsvp # G3 = -((np.tan(phi)) / (2 * vsvp)) * (1 + 2 * np.sin(phi) - 2 * vsvp * np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi)) + 0 * vsvp G1 = 0.0 * np.sin(theta) + 0 * vsvp G2 = (np.tan(phi) / 2) * ( 4 * (vsvp * np.sin(phi)) ** 2 - 4 * vsvp * np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi) ) + 0 * vsvp G3 = ( -(np.tan(phi) / 2) * (1 - 2 * (vsvp * np.sin(phi)) ** 2 + 2 * vsvp * np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi)) + 0 * vsvp ) return G1, G2, G3
[docs]class AVOLinearModelling(LinearOperator): r"""AVO Linearized modelling. Create operator to be applied to a combination of elastic parameters for generation of seismic pre-stack reflectivity. Parameters ---------- theta : :obj:`np.ndarray` Incident angles in degrees vsvp : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float` :math:`V_S/V_P` ratio nt0 : :obj:`int`, optional Number of samples (if ``vsvp`` is a scalar) spatdims : :obj:`int` or :obj:`tuple`, optional Number of samples along spatial axis (or axes) (``None`` if only one dimension is available) linearization : `{"akirich", "fatti", "PS"}`, optional * "akirich": Aki-Richards. See :py:func:`pylops.avo.avo.akirichards`. * "fatti": Fatti. See :py:func:`pylops.avo.avo.fatti`. * "PS": PS. See :py:func:``. dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. name : :obj:`str`, optional .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 Name of operator (to be used by :func:`pylops.utils.describe.describe`) Attributes ---------- shape : :obj:`tuple` Operator shape explicit : :obj:`bool` Operator contains a matrix that can be solved explicitly (``True``) or not (``False``) Raises ------ NotImplementedError If ``linearization`` is not an implemented linearization Notes ----- The AVO linearized operator performs a linear combination of three (or two) elastic parameters arranged in input vector :math:`\mathbf{m}` of size :math:`n_{t_0} \times N` to create the so-called seismic reflectivity: .. math:: r(t, \theta, x, y) = \sum_{i=1}^N G_i(t, \theta) m_i(t, x, y) \qquad \forall \,t,\theta where :math:`N=2,\, 3`. Note that the reflectivity can be in 1d, 2d or 3d and ``spatdims`` contains the dimensions of the spatial axis (or axes) :math:`x` and :math:`y`. """ def __init__( self, theta: NDArray, vsvp: Union[float, NDArray] = 0.5, nt0: int = 1, spatdims: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None, linearization: str = "akirich", dtype: DTypeLike = "float64", name: str = "A", ) -> None: self.ncp = get_array_module(theta) self.nt0 = nt0 if not isinstance(vsvp, self.ncp.ndarray) else len(vsvp) self.ntheta = len(theta) self.spatdims = () if spatdims is None else _value_or_sized_to_tuple(spatdims) # Compute AVO coefficients if linearization == "akirich": Gs = akirichards(theta, vsvp, n=self.nt0) elif linearization == "fatti": Gs = fatti(theta, vsvp, n=self.nt0) elif linearization == "ps": Gs = ps(theta, vsvp, n=self.nt0) else: logging.error("%s not an available " "linearization...", linearization) raise NotImplementedError( "%s not an available linearization..." % linearization ) self.npars = len(Gs) dims: Tuple[int, ...] = (self.nt0, self.npars) dimsd: Tuple[int, ...] = (self.nt0, self.ntheta) if spatdims is not None: dims += self.spatdims dimsd += self.spatdims super().__init__(dtype=np.dtype(dtype), dims=dims, dimsd=dimsd, name=name) self.G = self.ncp.concatenate([gs.T[:, self.ncp.newaxis] for gs in Gs], axis=1) # add dimensions to G to account for horizonal axes for _ in range(len(self.spatdims)): self.G = self.G[..., np.newaxis] @reshaped def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.ncp.sum(self.G * x[:, :, self.ncp.newaxis], axis=1) @reshaped def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return self.ncp.sum(self.G * x[:, self.ncp.newaxis], axis=2)