Source code for pylops.signalprocessing.convolve1d

__all__ = ["Convolve1D"]

from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from pylops import LinearOperator
from pylops.utils._internal import _value_or_sized_to_tuple
from pylops.utils.backend import (
from pylops.utils.decorators import reshaped
from pylops.utils.typing import DTypeLike, InputDimsLike, NDArray

def _choose_convfunc(
    x: npt.ArrayLike,
    method: Union[None, str],
    dims: Union[int, InputDimsLike],
    axis: int = -1,
) -> Tuple[Callable, str]:
    """Choose convolution function

    Choose and return the function handle to be used for convolution
    if len(dims) == 1:
        if method is None:
            method = "direct"
        if method not in ("direct", "fft"):
            raise NotImplementedError("method must be direct or fft")
        convfunc = get_convolve(x)
        if method is None:
            method = "fft"
        if method == "fft":
            convfunc = partial(get_fftconvolve(x), axes=axis)
        elif method == "overlapadd":
            convfunc = partial(get_oaconvolve(x), axes=axis)(x)
            raise NotImplementedError("method must be fft or overlapadd")
    return convfunc, method

def _pad_along_axis(array: np.ndarray, pad_size: tuple, axis: int = 0) -> np.ndarray:

    npad = [(0, 0)] * array.ndim
    npad[axis] = pad_size
    return np.pad(array, pad_width=npad)

class _Convolve1Dshort(LinearOperator):
    r"""1D convolution operator with compact filter (shorter than input signal)"""

    def __init__(
        dims: Union[int, InputDimsLike],
        h: NDArray,
        offset: int = 0,
        axis: int = -1,
        method: str = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike = "float64",
        name: str = "C",
    ) -> None:
        dims = _value_or_sized_to_tuple(dims)
        super().__init__(dtype=np.dtype(dtype), dims=dims, dimsd=dims, name=name)
        self.axis = axis
        self.nh = h.size if h.ndim == 1 else h.shape[axis]
        if offset > self.nh - 1:
            raise ValueError("offset must be smaller than h.shape[axis] - 1")
        self.h = h
        self.offset = 2 * (self.nh // 2 - int(offset))
        if self.nh % 2 == 0:
            self.offset -= 1
        if self.offset != 0:
            self.h = _pad_along_axis(
                (max(self.offset, 0), -min(self.offset, 0)),
                axis=-1 if h.ndim == 1 else axis,
        self.hstar = np.flip(self.h, axis=-1)

        # add dimensions to filter to match dimensions of model and data
        if self.h.ndim == 1:
            hdims = np.ones(len(self.dims), dtype=int)
            hdims[self.axis] = len(self.h)
            self.h = self.h.reshape(hdims)
            self.hstar = self.hstar.reshape(hdims)

        # choose method and function handle
        self.convfunc, self.method = _choose_convfunc(h, method, self.dims, self.axis)

    def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray:
        if type(self.h) is not type(x):
            self.h = to_cupy_conditional(x, self.h)
            self.convfunc, self.method = _choose_convfunc(
                self.h, self.method, self.dims, self.axis
        return self.convfunc(x, self.h, mode="same")

    def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray:
        if type(self.hstar) is not type(x):
            self.hstar = to_cupy_conditional(x, self.hstar)
            self.convfunc, self.method = _choose_convfunc(
                self.hstar, self.method, self.dims, self.axis
        return self.convfunc(x, self.hstar, mode="same")

class _Convolve1Dlong(LinearOperator):
    """1D convolution operator with extended filter (larger than input signal)"""

    def __init__(
        dims: Union[int, InputDimsLike],
        h: NDArray,
        offset: int = 0,
        axis: int = -1,
        method: str = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike = "float64",
        name: str = "C",
    ) -> None:
        dims = _value_or_sized_to_tuple(dims)
        dimsd = h.shape
        super().__init__(dtype=np.dtype(dtype), dims=dims, dimsd=dimsd, name=name)

        # create filter
        self.axis = axis
        if offset > self.dims[self.axis] - 1:
            raise ValueError("offset must be smaller than self.dims[self.axis] - 1")
        self.nh = h.size if h.ndim == 1 else h.shape[axis]
        self.h = h
        self.offset = 2 * (self.dims[self.axis] // 2 - int(offset))
        if self.dims[self.axis] % 2 == 0:
            self.offset -= 1
        self.hstar = np.flip(self.h, axis=-1)

        self.pad = np.zeros((len(dims), 2), dtype=int)
        self.pad[self.axis, 0] = max(self.offset, 0)
        self.pad[self.axis, 1] = -min(self.offset, 0)

        self.padd = np.zeros((len(dims), 2), dtype=int)
        self.padd[self.axis, 1] = max(self.offset, 0)
        self.padd[self.axis, 0] = -min(self.offset, 0)

        # add dimensions to filter to match dimensions of model and data
        if self.h.ndim == 1:
            hdims = np.ones(len(self.dims), dtype=int)
            hdims[self.axis] = len(self.h)
            self.h = self.h.reshape(hdims)
            self.hstar = self.hstar.reshape(hdims)

        # choose method and function handle
        self.convfunc, self.method = _choose_convfunc(h, method, self.dims, self.axis)

    def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray:
        if type(self.h) is not type(x):
            self.h = to_cupy_conditional(x, self.h)
            self.convfunc, self.method = _choose_convfunc(
                self.h, self.method, self.dims, self.axis
        x = np.pad(x, self.pad)
        y = self.convfunc(self.h, x, mode="same")
        return y

    def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray:
        ncp = get_array_module(x)
        if type(self.h) is not type(x):
            self.hstar = to_cupy_conditional(x, self.hstar)
            self.convfunc, self.method = _choose_convfunc(
                self.hstar, self.method, self.dims, self.axis
        x = np.pad(x, self.padd)
        y = self.convfunc(self.hstar, x)
        if self.dims[self.axis] % 2 == 0:
            y = ncp.take(
                    len(y) // 2 - self.dims[self.axis] // 2,
                    len(y) // 2 + self.dims[self.axis] // 2,
            y = ncp.take(
                    len(y) // 2 - self.dims[self.axis] // 2,
                    len(y) // 2 + self.dims[self.axis] // 2 + 1,
        return y

[docs]class Convolve1D(LinearOperator): r"""1D convolution operator. Apply one-dimensional convolution with i) a compact filter (shorter than input signal) or ii) an extended filter (larger than input signal) to model (and data) along an ``axis`` of a multi-dimensional array. Parameters ---------- dims : :obj:`list` or :obj:`int` Number of samples for each dimension of the model h : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` 1d filter to be convolved to input signal offset : :obj:`int` Index of the center of the filter axis : :obj:`int`, optional .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 Axis along which convolution is applied method : :obj:`str`, optional Method used to calculate the convolution (``direct``, ``fft``, or ``overlapadd``). Note that only ``direct`` and ``fft`` are allowed when ``dims=None``, whilst ``fft`` and ``overlapadd`` are allowed when ``dims`` is provided. dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. name : :obj:`str`, optional .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 Name of operator (to be used by :func:`pylops.utils.describe.describe`) Attributes ---------- shape : :obj:`tuple` Operator shape explicit : :obj:`bool` Operator contains a matrix that can be solved explicitly (``True``) or not (``False``) Raises ------ ValueError If ``offset`` is bigger than ``len(h) - 1`` NotImplementedError If ``method`` provided is not allowed Notes ----- The Convolve1D operator applies convolution between the input signal :math:`x(t)` and a filter kernel :math:`h(t)` in forward model: .. math:: y(t) = \int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(t-\tau) x(\tau) \,\mathrm{d}\tau This operation can be discretized as follows .. math:: y[n] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} h[n-m] x[m] as well as performed in the frequency domain. .. math:: Y(f) = \mathscr{F} (h(t)) * \mathscr{F} (x(t)) Convolve1D operator uses :py:func:`scipy.signal.convolve` that automatically chooses the best domain for the operation to be carried out for one dimensional inputs. The fft implementation :py:func:`scipy.signal.fftconvolve` is however enforced for signals in 2 or more dimensions as this routine efficently operates on multi-dimensional arrays. As the adjoint of convolution is correlation, Convolve1D operator applies correlation in the adjoint mode. In time domain: .. math:: x(t) = \int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(t+\tau) x(\tau) \,\mathrm{d}\tau or in frequency domain: .. math:: y(t) = \mathscr{F}^{-1} (H(f)^* * X(f)) """ def __init__( self, dims: Union[int, InputDimsLike], h: NDArray, offset: int = 0, axis: int = -1, method: str = None, dtype: DTypeLike = "float64", name: str = "C", ) -> None: nh = h.size if h.ndim == 1 else h.shape[axis] if nh <= _value_or_sized_to_tuple(dims)[axis]: convop = _Convolve1Dshort else: convop = _Convolve1Dlong Op = convop( dims=dims, h=h, offset=offset, axis=axis, method=method, dtype=dtype, ) super().__init__(Op=Op, name=name) def _matvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return super()._matvec(x) def _rmatvec(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: return super()._rmatvec(x)