__all__ = [
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from pylops.utils.typing import InputDimsLike, NDArray
def hanningtaper(
nmask: int,
ntap: int,
) -> npt.ArrayLike:
r"""1D Hanning taper
Create unitary mask of length ``nmask`` with Hanning tapering
at edges of size ``ntap``
nmask : :obj:`int`
Number of samples of mask
ntap : :obj:`int`
Number of samples of hanning tapering at edges
taper : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
if ntap > 0:
if (nmask // ntap) < 2:
ntap_min = nmask // 2 if nmask % 2 == 0 else (nmask - 1) // 2
raise ValueError(f"ntap={ntap} must be smaller or equal than {ntap_min}")
han_win = np.hanning(ntap * 2 - 1)
st_tpr = han_win[
mid_tpr = np.ones(
nmask - (2 * ntap),
end_tpr = np.flipud(st_tpr)
tpr_1d = np.concatenate([st_tpr, mid_tpr, end_tpr])
return tpr_1d
def cosinetaper(
nmask: int,
ntap: int,
square: bool = False,
exponent: Optional[float] = None,
) -> npt.ArrayLike:
r"""1D Cosine or Cosine square taper
Create unitary mask of length ``nmask`` with Hanning tapering
at edges of size ``ntap``
nmask : :obj:`int`
Number of samples of mask
ntap : :obj:`int`
Number of samples of hanning tapering at edges
square : :obj:`bool`, optional
Cosine square taper (``True``) or Cosine taper (``False``)
exponent : :obj:`float`, optional
.. versionadded:: 2.3.0
Exponent to apply to Cosine taper. If provided, takes precedence over ``square``
taper : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
ntap = 0 if ntap == 1 else ntap
if exponent is None:
exponent = 1 if not square else 2
cos_win = (
* (
(np.arange(ntap * 2 - 1) - (ntap * 2 - 2) / 2)
* np.pi
/ ((ntap * 2 - 2) / 2)
+ 1.0
) ** exponent
st_tpr = cos_win[
mid_tpr = np.ones(
nmask - (2 * ntap),
end_tpr = np.flipud(st_tpr)
tpr_1d = np.concatenate([st_tpr, mid_tpr, end_tpr])
return tpr_1d
def taper(
nmask: int,
ntap: int,
tapertype: str,
) -> NDArray:
r"""1D taper
Create unitary mask of length ``nmask`` with tapering of choice
at edges of size ``ntap``
nmask : :obj:`int`
Number of samples of mask
ntap : :obj:`int`
Number of samples of hanning tapering at edges
tapertype : :obj:`str`, optional
Type of taper (``hanning``, ``cosine``,
``cosinesquare``, ``cosinesqrt`` or ``None``)
taper : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
if tapertype == "hanning":
tpr_1d = hanningtaper(nmask, ntap)
elif tapertype == "cosine":
tpr_1d = cosinetaper(nmask, ntap, False)
elif tapertype == "cosinesquare":
tpr_1d = cosinetaper(nmask, ntap, True)
elif tapertype == "cosinesqrt":
tpr_1d = cosinetaper(nmask, ntap, False, 0.5)
tpr_1d = np.ones(nmask)
return tpr_1d
[docs]def taper2d(
nt: int,
nmask: int,
ntap: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]],
tapertype: str = "hanning",
) -> NDArray:
r"""2D taper
Create 2d mask of size :math:`[n_\text{mask} \times n_t]`
with tapering of size ``ntap`` along the first (and possibly
second) dimensions
nt : :obj:`int`
Number of samples along second dimension
nmask : :obj:`int`
Number of samples along first dimension
ntap : :obj:`int` or :obj:`list`
Number of samples of tapering at edges of first dimension (or
both dimensions).
tapertype : :obj:`str`, optional
Type of taper (``hanning``, ``cosine``, ``cosinesquare`` or ``None``)
taper : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
2d mask with tapering along first dimension
of size :math:`[n_\text{mask} \times n_t]`
# create 1d window along first dimension
tpr_x = taper(
nmask, ntap[0] if isinstance(ntap, (list, tuple)) else ntap, tapertype
# create 1d window along second dimension
if isinstance(ntap, (list, tuple)):
tpr_t = taper(nt, ntap[1], tapertype)
# create 2d taper
if isinstance(ntap, (list, tuple)):
# replicate taper to second dimension
tpr_2d = np.outer(tpr_x, tpr_t)
# replicate taper to second dimension
tpr_2d = np.tile(tpr_x[:, np.newaxis], (1, nt))
return tpr_2d
[docs]def taper3d(
nt: int,
nmask: Tuple[int, int],
ntap: Tuple[int, int],
tapertype: str = "hanning",
) -> NDArray:
r"""3D taper
Create 3d mask of size :math:`[n_\text{mask}[0] \times n_\text{mask}[1] \times n_t]`
with tapering of size ``ntap`` along the first and second dimension
nt : :obj:`int`
Number of time samples of mask along third dimension
nmask : :obj:`tuple`
Number of space samples of mask along first and second dimensions
ntap : :obj:`tuple`
Number of samples of tapering at edges of first and second dimensions
tapertype : :obj:`int`
Type of taper (``hanning``, ``cosine``,
``cosinesquare``, ``cosinesqrt`` or ``None``)
taper : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
3d mask with tapering along first dimension
of size :math:`[n_\text{mask,0} \times n_\text{mask,1} \times n_t]`
nmasky, nmaskx = nmask[0], nmask[1]
ntapy, ntapx = ntap[0], ntap[1]
# create 1d window
if tapertype == "hanning":
tpr_y = hanningtaper(nmasky, ntapy)
tpr_x = hanningtaper(nmaskx, ntapx)
elif tapertype == "cosine":
tpr_y = cosinetaper(nmasky, ntapy, False)
tpr_x = cosinetaper(nmaskx, ntapx, False)
elif tapertype == "cosinesquare":
tpr_y = cosinetaper(nmasky, ntapy, True)
tpr_x = cosinetaper(nmaskx, ntapx, True)
elif tapertype == "cosinesqrt":
tpr_y = cosinetaper(nmasky, ntapy, False, 0.5)
tpr_x = cosinetaper(nmaskx, ntapx, False, 0.5)
tpr_y = np.ones(nmasky)
tpr_x = np.ones(nmaskx)
tpr_yx = np.outer(tpr_y, tpr_x)
# replicate taper to third dimension
tpr_3d = np.tile(tpr_yx[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, nt))
return tpr_3d
[docs]def tapernd(
nmask: InputDimsLike,
ntap: InputDimsLike,
tapertype: str = "hanning",
) -> NDArray:
r"""ND taper
Create nd mask of size :math:`[n_\text{mask}[0] \times n_\text{mask}[1] \times ... \times n_\text{mask}[N-1]]`
with tapering of size ``ntap`` along all dimensions
nmask : :obj:`tuple`
Number of space samples of mask along every dimension
ntap : :obj:`tuple`
Number of samples of tapering at edges of every dimension
tapertype : :obj:`int`
Type of taper (``hanning``, ``cosine``,
``cosinesquare``, ``cosinesqrt`` or ``None``)
taper : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
Nd mask with tapering along first dimension
of size :math:`[n_\text{mask,0} \times n_\text{mask,1} \times ... \times n_\text{mask,N-1}]`
# create 1d window
if tapertype == "hanning":
tpr = [hanningtaper(nm, nt) for nm, nt in zip(nmask, ntap)]
elif tapertype == "cosine":
tpr = [cosinetaper(nm, nt, False) for nm, nt in zip(nmask, ntap)]
elif tapertype == "cosinesquare":
tpr = [cosinetaper(nm, nt, True) for nm, nt in zip(nmask, ntap)]
elif tapertype == "cosinesqrt":
tpr = [cosinetaper(nm, nt, False, 0.5) for nm, nt in zip(nmask, ntap)]
tpr = [np.ones(nm) for nm in nmask]
# create nd tapers via repeated outer products
taper = tpr[-1]
for tpr_tmp in tpr[:-1][::-1]:
taper = np.outer(tpr_tmp, taper).reshape(tpr_tmp.size, *taper.shape)
return taper